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october chill + chat stream



Michelita Smith

Congratulations on the approaching finishing line on the first draft of your book!

Michelita Smith

I think the only thing that would bring a mass movement worldwide will only arrive out of desperation of millions of people, whom live comfortably, are no longer living in this numbing comfort! I am sorry I could stay up, as I would have like to say hello directly. Your shared insight to this ugly human existence as so many wait for the anvil to fall! I hope you will sell your book in PDF form or even audio, as it would be great to read, but I need it in electric form as I am dyslexic. Reading will listening helps me retain the information read! Anyway, hopefully the editing and publishing locally will bring it to print sooner! Thank you again for sharing your intelligence, experiences and insight! :-) <3


Agreed, and unfortunately we have a lot of reckonings coming our way soon. I would definitely like to release digitally and audibly as well!