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The Psychology of the Religious Right

Let's take a dive into the minds of the religious right and discover how their distinct and zealous approach to matters of faith has affected the current political landscape. The Psychology of Authoritarianism: https://youtu.be/yP6dqzUoQeE The list of artists used is in the outro. Introduction - 0:00 Brief History of the Religious Right - 1:28 Summary of RWA - 3:14 Traits of Religious Fundamentalism - 4:23 Religious Exodus - 10:59 How Do We Deal With The Religious Right? - 14:42 Outro - 16:34 = Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/saintdrew = Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/_saintdrew = Follow my music producer, salmon the ghost: https://soundcloud.com/salmontheghost = Music: Sun (prod. salmon the ghost) outro music: Cedar Womb by joe zempel YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCuMhK75-tYDMV_7nEExFmg Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vVDncwsr2d6svvsH8WVYO?si=XCvFfCf5RM--WiCRHTUjgw&dl_branch=1 = Sources & Resources: Religious Fundamentalism Scale: http://www.panojohnson.com/automatons/rf-scale.xhtml The Authoritarians by Bob Altemyer: https://www.evcforum.net/DataDropsite/TheAuthoritarians.pdf Gospel Contradictions: https://rarebible.wordpress.com/2016/03/27/contradictions-in-the-easter-story/


Michelita Smith

I was raised in the protestant world. From a very young age, I felt guilty for just being human. :-( Took me years to free myself for this indoctrination and self loathing. This is just what I know.

Peter D

This is the first time I watched either of your psychology of the right videos since you published the first before I subscribed. I appreciate the value of observing patterns of values around Right Wing Authoritarian behavior, values, and logic. I agree with many of the patterns that are identified in these videos and think they are important to keep in mind when considering outreach based activism to indoctrinated individuals for sure. In my recent self education by anti-capitalist folks talking about psychology, especially the work of Ayesha Khan who has a background in medicine, have demonstrated that the science and origins of the discipline of psychology are largely white colonialist and this bears a huge weight on the rest of the science [https://wokescientist.substack.com/, https://disorderland.substack.com/]. My current bias is against the use of diagnostic categories around psychology because of how they pathologize what are often political traits and individualizes them, as well as the methods of study used in psychology that are largely biased. In this case that psychological angle makes it seem like what causes the right wing/fascist behavior is pathologically typical of only one certain kind of person as opposed to someone traumatized by the violent standards of capitalism and internalizing the learned prejudice as innate and mandatory to transfer onto others. While your videos makes the point of environmental factors in what forms someone’s psychology, I still find the orientation of “us” vs “them” from a mentality stand point somewhat flawed. It keeps us from identifying the ways anyone might be similarly prone to this kind of thinking while under capitalist hegemonic structures that teach fear, scarcity, and moral authority over others as essential to survival, even as leftists or anti-capitalist activists. Does it help us to identify one group of people as inherently othered by our understanding of their mentality more than spending time being critical of all of the systems that support that behavior? Do we benefit from shifting the focus to another group of people who are then considered "not normal"? Understanding how leftist anti-capitalist ideas get push back in indoctrinated people seems valuable but I think that’s possible to do without uplifting psychological pathology. I think outreach to indoctrinated religious fundamentalists is best done on equal footing as much as possible which requires me to recognize where my thinking is also shaped by the binary orthodoxies of capitalism and my own fears and insecurities, otherwise the hypocrisy I espouse will be similar to the one they are on the receiving end within their religious in-group.


Fair points. I do try to emphasize the material forces responsible for this mindset and emphasize ways out of it, moreso in the first video than in this one. My intention is not to pathologise, but to understand.