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It's been a long time coming, but I finally dropped the Saint. Kind of. Ta-da!

I came up with the name long, long before I even had the thought to create the YouTube channel. I was very much into art and fashion, definitely on my aesthetic wave, and Saint appealed to me for a few reasons, despite my agnosticism:  

1) It sounded cool. This was pretty much the main reason. 

2) It referenced a historical figure I share a name with but in a "subversive" way.  

3) If you squint slightly, you can read into Saint to mean "a model of good character," which my personal philosophy motivates me to try to attain. This was really just a retroactive justification.  

However, not long after I began the YouTube channel, then called Saint Andrew because that was my internet identity at the time, I couldn't help but feel disconnected from the name. I appreciated it as an artist's signature in one stage of my life, but it felt as though that stage had passed and I was on to something new. I wanted to move on. But I kept stalling. Fast forward to this year. As I'm working on my books, I didn't want my pen name to be Saint Andrew. I'm leaning towards Andrew T. Sage, because, again, I think it sounds cool, but that's also being workshopped. 

Anyway, because I kept stalling on it, it made it harder and harder to eventually make the leap.   Now I have. Andrewism is really just the ever-evolving collection of ideas, philosophies, and interests of mine that have and will continue to drive this channel. I encourage you to be your own Y/Nist. Don't just swallow dogma. Saint is still gonna be in my URLs, but that's about the extent of it.  

That's all folks. Have a great day. 🌻



I agree. Andrew T. Sage is fine.


Perhaps take a poll?