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David Lindes

Great stuff, great stuff! I thought of various people throughout the video, and shared with them... including, actually, in a comment on a video that was reviewing the song Another Brick in the Wall part 2 ("we don't need no education"), which I watched like 18 months ago, and which... well... let's just say I perceived it as anti-anarchy, and while in ways I felt her analysis was good, in ways it just kinda bugged me in ways I couldn't figure out how to articulate in a kind way, so I kept to myself... but now, I thought of a way to kindly invite her to explore, by sharing this video. But also, with people I knew who went to Free Schools (or at least something similar), a teacher I know, and more. Seriously, good stuff. I hope at least some of them watch it and find it at least half as valuable as I did. :)