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Wak Up! XD Weekend is Coming Soon and It's Still Halfway There! But don't overwork yourself and remember to have a meal or a drink
Tell Me,
What is your favourite? coffee, tea, milk or chocolate?what kind of coffee/tea if you choose that

Credit to Fizzi Photog
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Hendry Willy

Waking up in the morning is very hard though T__T My favorite is hot chocolate. But I also like coffee and tea. For coffee I like cappuccino, for tea... Normal black tea and green tea... And macha.


I love hot chocolate too! It restarts my mood. japanese green tea sounds great :3 it's morning here, actually trying to figure out what to have for breakfast XD

Jhon Rho Collado

I love all but i have a preferred blends 😊😊😊 but which blend do you love the most??


My favorite is you 😎

Kirito Kazuga

hehe I end up waking up around 1pm xD I like dragon pearl jasmine green tea :3

Hendry Willy

Good morning! Actually it's morning here too... Hahaha... That's nice... I'm already slaving myself in the office... lol Have a nice breakfast then


Just uploaded the actual file size at the post , feel free to download use it as mobile wallpaper :3 !!! I am gonna go get some hot chocolate after this *w*

Jhon Rho Collado

Yey we got approval 😊😊😊😊


Hmmm~ uf coffee definitely Mocha and hazelnut coffee as for tea it will be green tea ❤❤

Yoko Marika

Wake up!! Cross-Z Dragon!!


i like coffee( caramel latte ,cappuccino .chai latte and mochaccino) i also like milk and chocolate


coffee. long black. loving the taste and smell of it.


isn't that coffee tea or you?😂


They sound sweet but actually not sweet(つv⊂) I have tried latte. I love milk and chocolate!