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Hello Fellow Patrons Its Ai Chan here! Ai chan is very happy to welcome new patrons and welcome back some of the fellow patrons again on board to support me (*๓´╰╯`๓)♡ There are 8 declines this month and I will pm the declines once I got back from Vietnam on Thursday! Or If you are free or worried, you can check if yours had passed!*٩(๑´∀`๑)ง*



Yoko Marika

Kat sana mesti syok kan xD. Btw jumpa bosskur kat the banquet this weekend. I dtg dua hari sebab d1 join cosplay runway comp xD

Mike Schutzstaffel

im probably one of those declines XD, i fixed it already today. Card problems


😂I am the second decline ~XDXD already settled the payment 😂😂


Thank you! Im just back from vietnam, i will check it and get back to you. Thanks for having to check for me( ﹡ˆoˆ﹡ )


See you day one XDXD ~ only go 1hour need to work XDXD