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What I thought would be a 2-week process just turned into a 2 month one with no end still in sight. 

The story so far:

• Wacom takes 3 weeks just to create the RMA for the Cintiq drawing tablet.

• I am finally able to ship the defective tablet to Wacom and it is sent back after another week.

• The tablet arrives in my location and sits in UPS's facility for almost 2 weeks.

• I get a $200 delivery fee mailed to me because Wacom put the wrong paperwork on it.

• Wacom tell me they made a mistake and will get the fee removed so it can be delivered.

• 3 more weeks pass and UPS send the tablet back since Wacom didn't fix the situation or pay the fee.

So that's where I am right now. Hopefully they will send me a new Cintiq or try to send this one again with the correct paperwork on it but I honestly don't know and my confidence in them is wearing pretty thin. 

So I'm sorry but I won't be able to do a Patreon pic this month either but I'll put another poll up and do 3, 4 or however many pics are backlogged once I finally get the tablet back and put them up all at once (this little doodle was done with a mouse).

I'm doing my best to work on anything that doesn't require pen-input while this is happening, so I'm not completely unable to function, but any new art will have to wait for now. Thank you all for your support and patience <3




Hey what matters is that you keep up what you need to work on dude


Hoping for the best. Also your mouse drawing skills are actually insane.


Still impressed at the fact that your drawings with a mouse are better than what some people can do with expensive tablets. 😯👏


clearly this is part of an anti-tentacle conspiracy

Matt R

I hope you get a new Cintiq after all this. You deserve better


We appreciate all you do.


I understand. I know this wasn't optimal for you either. I hope everything's resolved soon. But I'll patiently wait for it. All love.

Brandon West

Thanks for putting up with their nonsense and for telling us about it. Just try not to overwork yourself when you get your tablet back


Thanks for letting us know what's going on. When they finally pull their fingers out and get your Cintiq back please don't feel like you have to rush. Take your time. We waited this long and we can wait longer.


Stay awesome, Zone. We can be patient whilst Wacom gets their act together.


Hope it gets better!!

Kenan Von Kaiser

It Is Alright A Kiss Will Bring Ya Back!

Mike Webster

So much art at once! Don't burn yourself out.

Keychan64 .

Tired zone is an unhappy zone Get some shut eye