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The television hissed to life and a dark haired man with comb-over hair appeared on the screen, to his right, scenes from outside the Pandora Committee building during the attack play out, masked Darksiders running through a hole in the protective outer wall and into the gardens. It cuts to recovery crews working and then a group of civilians tirelessly cleaning off the statue of Firestorm that was defaced during the attack. “...with more reactions from across the globe. Fierce condemnation of the actions of the villain group, Darksiders, has led to calls for more enforcement and further expansion of the hero training programs to increase numbers.”

The man gestured to the image and it changed to a grizzled looking man with a thick white beard and stony eyes, “Some experts including Criminal History Professor Darvel Cox at Oxford University have pointed out that the Darksiders are a new and reckless criminal organization built from a rogue element of a previous era and it is unsurprising that there was infighting between them and a powerful hired element,” The reporter continued, “With the dawn of a new kind of criminal, some upheaval is expected and the Professor cautions against widening regulation and enforcement too quickly as it could strengthen the arguments of individuals like Liberty.”

The reporter turned to face the screen more directly, “It has been twenty-four hours since the events in The Hague and the Pandora Committee has only issued a few statements, one public statement has caused some controversy worldwide,” The reporter said and the screen cut to an image of the Chairman standing grim faced in front of a podium. “While her actions were admirable and in line with the calling of a hero, the Vegas Act is an internationally recognized law regarding the activities of Mythic-Tier light-touched outside of dungeons. The Hero Black Lotus has been put on a temporary suspension for the next month-”

The screen cut back to the reporter again, “As a result of the decision, protests have broken out across the United States, East Asia, in particular China, and Europe,” Images appear in a window next to him of people walking down the street with signs held up saying ‘We need Mythics out of Dungeons!’ and ‘She did nothing wrong!’ among other things. The reporter shifted a bit in his seat, “The Pandora Committee has stated that the suspension is a light punishment and is looking forward to Black Lotus returning to her work.” 

He grew serious, “In other news, tensions are high in the Southern United States and several other countries with branches of Liberty’s cult,” The reporter said, “The US National Guard has been moved to various points across the Southern US and armed with post-pandora munitions. Communities are split in the region over Liberty’s actions with some praising her reprisal against government oversight while others are openly condemning her violent approach,” The reporter frowned a little, “Some groups across the planet claiming that the flash was ‘divine’ are voicing their approval of Liberty.”

“The Pandora Committee and the United Nations has responded swiftly to the growing tensions,” He trailed off and the screen changed again to an image of a balding older man standing at a podium in a huge room with the words ‘United Nations responds to Liberty’ at the bottom of the screen. The old man leaned forward, “The UN has agreed unanimously to sanctions against Liberty and her Organization. I have confirmation that the Pandora Committee has completed a remote ballot and added her to the top ten most wanted Villains list, putting her at the number one spot. Her actions will not go uncontested, but this will be handled properly and in a way befitting of a civilized society.”

The reporter returned to the screen, “In addition, the before-unknown electrical villain now known as Kerauna has been updated on the top villain list. You can see a dossier on all known villains on the Pandora Committee website,” The screen flickered and another face appeared, a young woman with her brown hair styled up, “With the Darksiders now scattered many of their members have begun surrendering to the authorities. Some have been reported as saying they are seeking asylum from Ishtar for a debt incurred by the failed plot,” The woman said.

She gestured to one side of the screen and the screen shifted to a grim faced man with black hair graying on the temples as a reporter approaches him, “Hero Sapporo! What are your comments on the debt incurred by the Darksiders to Ishtar?” The reporter asked hastily. Sapporo scowled and shook his head, “If there was any more need for evidence that the woman is supporting villains indiscriminately, this is it,” He said sourly, “Arming the mad is the peak of madness, now enough questions,” He added gruffly before turning away.

The woman returned to the screen, “While Hero Sapporo’s comments are resonating, other groups have begun to ask who will fill the power vacuum left by the large and very public Darksiders organization,” The woman went on, “In Hero Sapporo’s own country, a certain group has made very public their own thoughts;” She said and the screen cut away again to show a group of men and women wearing white masks and white robes. One among them is standing in front of a crowd of people, “The Light of Dawn changed the world and Ishtar is its prophet. Our leader believes that the villains of Earth should bend the knee before her eye gazes upon the planet again and another city is brought to ruin! Our leader has foreseen the gaze of our true savior opening wide once more!”

The woman reappeared, “The religious group based in-”

The television cut out and Sonya let out a groan, flopping back onto the bed and rubbing her head, “An actual cult?” She whined as she rolled around on her bed. “Gross, gross gross gross!” She complained before stopping on her chest and staring with frustration at her pillow, “I’m so bored,” She sighed and rest her chin on her palms, kicking her feet in her pajamas and launching some of the sheets off of her bed, “Stupid idiots postponing the Committee, it was just a bombing!” She grumbled and flopped to her side, “Not that big a deal, just patch the walls and get on with it. I wanna run around The Hague some more.”

She rolled onto her back, “And now I’m talking to myself. Better than talking to you, right?” She said aloud before pausing, making a deadpan face, and sighing, “And now I have, great.”

She sat up and peered into her reflection in a photograph of herself and Carla standing on a beach together, “Hello?” She called out, squinting at the reflection that squinted back at her before raising its eyebrow and shaking its head. “Fine, I know it’s not healthy, just could use some friggin conversation here.”

The reflection shrugged at her and turned away before it returned to being her own reflection again. She huffed out a breath and crossed her arms, “Rude,” she muttered. At least let me take advantage of being a little crazy if I’m gonna be this way, sheesh.

She sensed a presence approaching her bedroom door and perked up, catching the scent of perfume on the air. She scrambled to gather up her sheets she’d kicked off during her tantrum and pull them into some semblance of order. She was about half-way back into a restful looking sitting position when the door opened and Carla cleared her throat from the doorway. She turned slowly before smiling at the woman, “Hey there,” She said as innocently as she could.

Carla rolled her eyes, “Just can’t sit still, can you?” She asked and walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her. Sonya picked up on some voices a bit further out and glanced up at Carla with a raised eyebrow, “You aren’t the only one restless, looks like most of the camp wants to check on you. Haven’t the foggiest idea why, what with you being a lecher for the entire first month,” She said with her arms crossed.

Sonya deflated a little, “...yeah, I deserve that,” She said with a sigh and rest her chin on her palm for a moment, “Bad way to outlet,” She murmured, I really gotta be better about that, they’re my students for heaven’s sake, this isn’t one of Marta’s animes!

“No kidding, but it seems there’s no harm done,” Carla said and sat down on the bed before tilting her head and looking at Sonya’s shirt, “The glitter-soda shirt, again?”

Sonya brightened, “Of course!” She said, leaning back and posing a bit for Carla’s benefit, “It’s nostalgic, I think of your cute face when I’m wearing it.”

Carla pursed her lips, “Flatterer,” She said and leaned forward a little, “It needs to be cleaned, wear something different or else,” She reached up and tapped Sonya’s nose before getting up.

Sonya blinked, “Where’d that come from?” She asked, grinning ear to ear.

“I learned from the best,” Carla said and walked to the door, “Are you alright enough to have a few visitors, in all seriousness?” Carla asked, turning back to face her.

Sonya was half way through tearing off her shirt to grab another when she poked her head up and had to wriggle herself the rest of the way out to look at Carla. Her heart skipped a beat, “Really?” She narrowed her eyes, “What’s the catch?”

Carla crossed her arms, “One, you’ve got more than just the aspirants wanting to check on you,”
She said, holding up a finger, “Two, you have to promise to stay in bed for at least the next two days and relax. You may not think much of it, but what happened was a lot for any person,” Carla said, “You seem like you’re on the mend, mentally, and I’m not letting you backtrack.”

Sonya’s lip trembled a little and she let her shoulders relax, she felt heat rise to her face and she scratched at her nose, “Using my weakness against me isn’t fair,” She said and then took a deep breath, she sighed and looked back at Carla, “I promise not to get out of bed for the next two days and I promise to relax while I’m here, minimum activity. Just me, the tv, and my phone.”

Carla nodded, “Maybe you can get a little work done that doesn’t involve knives and explosions while you’re here,” She chuckled and then turned away. “Are you okay with her coming in too?”

Sonya slipped on another shirt, this one said ‘Snack Time’. She pulled her knees up to her chest as Carla glanced over her shoulder at her. Sonya hugged her knees and pressed her nose between them for a moment as she stared at her feet. Need to redo my nails again, she thought absently as she mulled through the sudden mixture of feelings. She looked up and took another breath, exhaling and letting out the unease. “Yeah, I’m good. She can come in alone too so we can talk a little.”

Carla’s smile grew even wider, “Good, I’ll send her in, you won’t have long, the hounds are clawing at the gates. Poor Marta can only hold them at bay for so long.”

Sonya laughed, “Better keep it short then!” She said and eased back onto her pillow, I have a lot I want to say, but I think it can wait. I have something in mind, later though.

Carla left and Sonya could hear the distant conversation clearly as the door shut to the suite she was staying in at the camp. A moment later there was the sound of heavy and hesitant footsteps followed by a knock at the door, “Come in, Chunhua,” Sonya said and sat up a little. The door opened and Chunhua stepped inside. She wasn’t in her usual gi, just a white polo shirt and thick dark denim jeans tucked into boots. Sonya felt a little nostalgic at the look. Very nostalgic. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, “You dress like that for my benefit?” She asked with a smirk.

Chunhua scratched her neck, “Maybe, thank you for letting me in.”

Sonya chuckled, “You punch like a truck.”

The hero crossed her arms and tilted her head, her dark eyes glittering a little, “You can take it. That was a one-time thing, though. Don’t make me have to do that again.”

Sonya crossed her arms in return, “You aren’t gonna keep holding back on me during spars are you? The hounds out there are gonna want to see a rematch after I laid you flat before I left.”

“Laid me flat?” Chunhua blurted before pressing her lips together. She crossed her arms, “Fine. Point taken.”

Sonya barked with a laugh before relaxing, “No more holding back, Chunhua, and you can come visit whenever you want.”

Chunhua sighed, “What I said stands,” She said firmly, “And I’m still mad about it but-”

Sonya pursed her lips and smiled, “Let’s get to the heavy stuff later, can we just start with being able to breathe around one another?” She asked.

“It’s a deal,” Chunhua said with a smile, “Now I should stop hogging you, you have ravenous aspirants who want to make sure their favorite combat instructor is okay.”

Sonya chuckled, “Yeah, send those miscreants in,” She paused and looked up at Chunhua as she started to turn away, “Hey,” She said and the woman paused to look back at her, she tapped her nose, “Thanks again, I deserved that one, really.”

“Just keep your promise,” Chunhua said with a small smile and walked out the door.

“I will,” Sonya said after her and straightened herself up a bit more, fussing with her hair and straightening out her sheets just a bit more as she heard the door open and a few happy voices ring out. She smirked and shook her head as the sound of many pairs of feet rumbled into the small suite and down the hall towards her room. She rest her chin on her palm and put on her most iconic smug smile as the first couple of faces poked their way in. A pair of orange eyes met hers and a tuft of green on a sea of black launched across the room before she was pulled into a tight hug. “Oof! Hi there Miss Landrey!” She laughed and returned the hug.

She pulled back and looked her over, “You’re looking stronger every day!” She said as Lillian stepped back and beamed at her.

“We’re so glad you’re okay,” She said as more faces flooded in, a good number of the girls, Cass, the entire Nashville team, and then one figure pushed their way through the crowd and poked his flustered head out under Lillian’s arm. 

Ollie frowned at her with red eyes, “You scared the hell out of me, Ma’am,” The young man said angrily and she reached out to take his hand and pull him into a hug. “I’m sorry, Ollie,” She said and stroked the back of his head before looking up at the others, all those smiling faces. “And I’m sorry to you all, for a lot of things, I was a little inappropriate last month,” She said and let him go, “I had a lot on my mind and I took it out on you all.”

“We could tell,” One of the girls laughed, “Thanks though.”

Sonya cleared her throat, “Anyway! I’ll be fine, see? No terrorist bombing is going to get the better of me!” She declared and flexed her petite arm, “See?” She drew a few laughs and grinned before resting her hands in her lap, “I’ll be back with you guys next week, so no change in schedule,” She said, “When I do, you better be ready. Because if you thought I was tough before, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

The aspirants let out groans and she laughed, “Oh don’t complain now! You asked for it, being so damn sweet. How can I not do my best for you?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

The aspirants laughed and started talking amongst themselves, visibly relieved. She looked up at their faces, briefly meeting Cassiopeia’s gaze before taking it all in. All these people that came to see her, that she’d helped, guided, taught, even if it had been for just a month so far. She had touched their lives. Chunhua’s words hit her a bit harder in that moment; “How could you do that to me and everyone else you’ve helped and saved? Of all the things you’ve done. That has to be the most cruel, Sonya Chernovna.”

Sonya smiled, I think you might be right.


Some BS Deity

Wholesome chapter. Very nice and can't wait to see more.


Thanks for the Chapter