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Alright, the tier descriptions have finally been cleaned up and I'm pleased to say I've hit my buffer goal for the Patreon. I also added another tier after getting chased about on the discord. It's wild in there, y'all, lemme tell ya.

Anywho, I hope that clears things up. With this I can finally begin releasing chapters at a more steady and normal schedule.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday will be a standard story chapter.

Wednesdays will be Side Stories

Now that I have some breathing room I want to try to get back into more Imperious. Thank you guys for being so patient about that. It's a side project so it doesn't have the same priority as Broker, but it will get some love!

Here's the new Patreon Banner! Woo!


Thank you again guys for all your support! Looking forward to writing even more for y'all!

With all the love in the world,




We're not that bad, c'mon...