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Broker's Note: Got a little behind on side stories so y'all are getting extras for a few days. Enjoy~


Sonya leaned back in her chair and stared into space, pulling her knees up to her chest and tangling her fingers together. It had been a month since Vegas, a month since one really bad day. Her jaw shifted a bit in her mouth as the thoughts came back and she pushed them away with a huff, closing her eyes and trying to center herself. She glanced at the cold can of soda that had been left for her on the desk and reached out before flicking it with her finger, getting that nice noise out of it.

Her lip twitched up into a small smile as the intercom buzzed on her desk. She let out a breath and reclined, spinning in her chair before reaching out to tap the button. “You have reached the boss among bosses, Sonya Chernovna here,” She chirped, putting her best cheer into her voice even if it was a little forced. 

A small chuckle came back on the other end, “Miss Chernovna, Miss Mint is here to see you.”

Sonya sat up straight, “Carla’s here?” She asked, surprised. She hadn’t seen her since the funeral and well, everything else. Their encounters had become a bit of a regular thing after that first exciting evening and while she didn’t want to put a label on it, it was kind of nice to have at least one sure thing she could count on in her… she paused and let the thought trail off, that face popping up again and she reached up to pinch her cheek, Stop it. “Send her in!”

The door in front of her slid open and the adorable raven haired woman stepped in, bob hair swaying a little bit as she adjusted her glasses and inclined her head to Sonya, “Miss Chernovna, good to see you.”

Sonya got to her feet, “It’s good to see you too, Carla, how are you?” She asked, walking over and taking her hand before leading her to one of the chairs in front of her desk, “Please, have a seat, coffee? Soda?”

Carla raised an eyebrow, “That excited to see me?”

Sonya froze, half-way turned, “Uh- I mean,” She cleared her throat, “You’re here for business, right?” She said and turned with an awkward smile, “Of- of course, it’s just been a while since you were last here and I-” She rubbed her neck.

Carla let out a small laugh, “I finally got to tease you!” She said and relaxed, “Sonya, it’s fine, I just came to check on you. At the funeral you seemed like you needed some space,” She said and reached up and played with her black hair a little, “I uh… I wanted to come sooner but after that things got a little busy.”

Sonya melted, just melted, that little bit of kindness just blasting all of it away, even if it was temporary, it felt good, really good. She hopped up onto the desk and snatched up the cold soda before popping it open and took a sip before passing it over to her guest with a grin, her feet swinging back and forth. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.”

Carla flushed at the lip of the can before glancing up at Sonya and sighing, “I guess I deserve this,” She said with pursed lips.

“You got one in,” Sonya winked.

Carla laughed and took a sip of her own before setting it down, “You seem stressed.”

“Do I?” Sonya asked, tapping her fingers on the table, “Yes, a little, it’s a lot.”

Carla tilted her head, “I think we’ve seen enough of one another that you can talk to me about it,” She said, “I’ve told you a lot of my problems during our… visits,” She emphasized her words with a hard blush and a gentle rub of her wrists.

Sonya smiled at her and reached up to run her fingers through her hair, she threw her head back and let out a long suffering sigh. She crossed her legs and tilted her head at Carla for a while. There was so much trust there, now, after everything. What she needed more than anything was someone she could trust. Even for a moment. Even if it was taking a risk. If the reaction was bad she- no, she wouldn’t do that. She’d deal with it. She smiled at Carla and held out her hand and an eye appeared over it, glowing, pink, it flickered as it gazed at her.

Carla stared at it for a long time before looking up at her, “Don’t say it out loud to me, understand? Just in case,” She said with a warm smile. “The less I know the better about it. Whatever the reasons, I know the real you.”

Sonya blinked and her shoulders went slack, Thank goodness. Her lip trembled a bit and she dismissed the eye, letting her hands fall into her lap, “There’s a lot I can’t say, but…”

A few minutes later Carla was on her feet with her arms wrapped around Sonya’s neck. Sonya rest her chin on the woman’s shoulder as a hand ran over the back of her head. She didn’t say anything, there wasn’t much she could say. Sonya could only give an abridged version of the events anyway as there was no way she could share the truth about the past timeline and Carla didn’t want to know about Ishtar. That didn’t matter, though, the hug felt nice.

Carla pulled back a bit, “Sonya, I want to check on you more often, if that’s okay.” She said, brown eyes searching hers, “I’m going to be in New York a lot going forward.”

Sonya titled her head, “I don’t mind, I like having you around, but what changed? I thought the Chairman had you running all over the place the past month.”

Carla smirked, “Well, apparently that was his way of introducing me to everyone I’d be barking orders at in the future,” Carla said with a raised eyebrow, “I’m overseeing the North American Branch as administrator, my predecessor is stepping down next week.”

Sonya brightened, “From New York administrator to North America, Carla! Congratulations, you should have opened with that!”

“I wanted to check on you first,” Carla said, flushing a little and stepping back.

Sonya raised an eyebrow, “Well aren’t you a good girl?”

Carla squinted at her, “Sonya, we’re having a moment here.”

Sonya chuckled and rubbed her neck, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”

Carla reached out, “Look,” She said and took Sonya’s hand. Sonya looked down at her fingers and up at Carla, “I don’t know what we are doing here, or what’s happening, or any of it, but I’d like to be around more to help you when I can. We can see where things go, alright?”

Sonya squeezed Carla’s fingers and played with them, “I met a girl here in town and took her with me on my Florence trip,” She said thoughtfully, tilting her head and running her thumb over Carla’s nail, “I was… projecting on her, it was unfair” She said hesitantly, “I don’t want to do that to you. I don’t want to make that mistake again. You’re you and-”

Carla tilted her head down a bit to catch Sonya’s eyes, “Clearly you’re already doing a better job, aren’t you?” She said, “Thank you for telling me that.”

Sonya shifted a bit in her seat and scratched her nose, “Quit it.”

“Quit what?” Carla asked, smiling a bit wider.

“I know what you’re doing,” Sonya grumbled, trying to hide her smile.

“No idea what you’re talking about, Mistress,” Carla quipped.

“Oh now you’re not even trying!” Sonya laughed, “Did Marta call you? You really came all this way after running around the US just to see me? All I do is tie you up for stress relief,” She babbled, “Come on, I-”

Carla looked Sonya dead in the eyes, “She didn’t call me, I’m not here for a quick lay, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay and cheer you up if I could. I promise.”

Sonya groaned and slid off the desk, “That’s it! We’re leaving!” She declared, marching towards the door and tapping the button to open it, “Marta, cancel all my bullshit for the evening and call that french place I like, table for two,” She barked, poking her head out of the door. Marta looked up from her desk with raised eyebrows and smiled before nodding and getting to work.

Carla hustled up behind her, “Sonya? What on earth are you up to?”

Sonya turned on her heel and reached out to grab the woman by the chin, “You go this far to cheer me up and are surprised when I decide to take you out to dinner? Silly thing,” She said and tugged the woman closer with a grin and a raised eyebrow, “I am going to spoil you rotten tonight, understood? Dinner, a nice dinner, for a nice first date.”

Carla melted in her grip and her eyes went just the right amount of glazed, “Yes ma’am.”



Thanks for the Chapter


Nice, good to see how that started xD