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This Side story is NSFW and contains content not suitable for all audiences. Please note, you do not need to read this side story to enjoy the main story but there may be some relevant content.

Reader discretion advised.


Sonya surfaced from the water and threw her head back, water streaming down her body. Her hair fell across her back and shoulders, slipping down in a silvery waterfall across the thin straps of her bikini. She turned her head slowly and opened her eyes, shoulder up a little as the illumination of her gaze intensified. The sound of shutters going off filled the air as she turned and raised her hands over her head and posed again, closing her eyes as the sun refracted off of her glittering skin. She turned again and tilted her head up, a hungry look on her face as she looked down at the camera that moved to look up at her. She turned away and wrapped her arms around her body, looking back over her shoulder again.

The shutters clicked and a low murmur of approval went through the gathered team there for the Maui photoshoot. A few more shots went off before she lowered her arms and relaxed, resting her hand on her hip, “How about that?”

“God damn,” The photographer breathed, standing up, “You’re a natural.”

She smiled petulantly at him and winked, “Thanks,” She said and walked past him through the almost luminous calf-deep aquamarine water. She stepped onto the beach and reached out, a towel slipping into her hand as she brought it up over her head. She ran her hair through the towel as she glanced towards the one who had handed it to her, “Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked with a coy smile.

Carla stood next to her, the raven-haired beauty shifting a bit on her feet. The neat bob of her hair was a bit frizzy in the humid air and she flushed deeply behind those thick black-rimmed glasses of hers. She bit her lip and nodded, “Mhm, can you turn it off now?” She asked in a low voice. “Looking at you like that made me, um.”

Sonya leaned in and held the towel up between them and the people around them, she kissed Carla on the cheek, “Do you really want me to?” She whispered. “Did you cum already? Tell me.”

Carla shifted again, “Yes, mistress. I came while watching you pose for the camera.”

Sonya chuckled, “Good girl,” She said and kissed her cheek again, sending a mental command to the delightful quiet high-end vibrator in Carla’s panties to shut off and give her a bit of relief, for now anyway. She pulled the towel down and let it rest over her shoulders before turning away, “There’s a party up next, are you gonna make it?” She asked as she walked towards the refreshments bar. She picked up a glass that had been filled with bubbling soda, the caterers had gone out of their way to pander to her tastes. She took a sip and turned towards Carla who looked a lot more calm.

Carla smiled, still a little sheepish, “I’ll be fine, I can wait as long as I have to, it’s part of the fun.”

“You’re so cute,” Sonya chuckled and sipped at her drink, she nodded towards one of the glasses of champagne, “Are you going to have something to drink?”

“No, not yet, I-” She was about to continue when a crew member hurried over.

“Miss Chernovna!” The crew member said hurriedly, “A package for you, ma’am!”

Sonya inclined her head, “Right on time, good.”

Carla frowned, “I didn’t file for any packages, what is it?” She asked, curious.

Her mistress turned towards her with a grin before reaching up and tapping her on the nose, “Not for you to worry about, cutie,” She said with a laugh before turning away, “Send it to my room, please, I’ll go get it there.” 

“Um,” Carla started but Sonya glanced over her shoulder at her with bedroom eyes to catch her off guard, “Uh!”

“Be a good girl and clean yourself up, mm? Meet me at the west parlor when you’re done, okay?” Sonya said and sauntered away, putting a little emphasis in her walk to show off a bit for the woman that was very much staring at her barely covered backside. She walked past the rest of the crew, thanking them, giving a few handshakes, some hugs, a kiss on the cheek here and there, before she made her way to the interior of the luxurious beach house she was staying in. She walked down the hall and rounded a corner before going over to her room.

Officially, it was her room. Officially, she and Carla were staying in separate rooms. The truth was she hadn’t slept without Carla this entire time and Marta had been staying in Carla’s room. She glanced over at Marta who was just coming out of Carla’s room and rubbing her eyes, “Having a good time?” She asked her friend.

“Mm?” Marta glanced over and nodded, “Barry kept me up all night.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Sonya said with a grin, “I was a bit busy myself and I made sure these walls were soundproof,” She teased before glancing at the door, “He still asleep?”

Marta nodded drowsily and walked past her with a grin of her own. Sonya raised an eyebrow, A very good night it seems. She shrugged and slipped into her room, walking over to her bed where the package was waiting for her. She stopped at it and ran her fingers over the simple nondescript paper packing. I hope she likes it, she thought as she pulled it open and took out the elegant black box inside. She opened it and looked in before shutting it again.

That done, she manifested a hard light knife and pricked her finger, holding it out. Two drops of blood landed on the floor before expanding and growing into two exact, nude, copies of herself. They both smiled at her.

“Get the room ready for us,” She said.

They grinned, “Right away.”

A quick shower later she got dressed and made her way out towards the west parlor. That was when the nerves started, that was when she felt a bit of a flutter in her belly. She glanced down at the box in her hand again. Is it too much? Will she even accept it? Her lips pressed together and for a brief moment a face she didn’t want to think about flashed in her mind. She crushed that image quickly, this wasn’t about her, this was about Carla. Someone she cared for, her own person, someone she wanted at her side in the future. Someone who supported her and well…

Her smile widened, It’ll be fine.

She brushed her hair back and straightened her tie a bit more as she walked through the arch and into the parlor. The timing was perfect, just as she’d planned. The sun was dipping down and reflecting on the water casting a luminous glow in the room. Carla was standing there in her pretty little pencil skirt and that adorable blouse. The pantyhose on her legs shone just a tiny bit in the reflected light. She let her eyes wander for a moment, admiring the nape of her neck and where her jawline met her ears. Sonya’s eyes softened a little and she relaxed.

“Carla,” She said, walking over and stopping at the railing. 

Carla turned and looked over at her, wind catching her hair a bit, “Sonya, you’re all dressed up.”

Sonya smirked, “You prefer me in my tie, right?” She asked.

“I like you however you are,” Carla said and tilted her head forward, peeking up at Sonya shyly, “What’s this all about, what are you up to?”

Sonya grinned, “I got something for you, just you,” She said and held the black box out. “Carla, I-” She paused and then let out a breath, “I c-” She laughed, “Carla I fucking love you,” She said, “I do, a lot, I want you to be mine. So take this, and wear it.”

A little shine worked its way through Carla’s bright chocolate eyes, she blinked a few times as understanding slowly dawned on her face. It turned redder and redder as she blinked again and looked down at the wide black box in Sonya’s hands. She reached towards it with shaky hands before slowly tilting it open. Inside was a choker-collar, a wide band about an inch thick made entirely out of platinum and carefully designed with sweeping lines, flourishes, and flower patterns. Yet what crowned it was one of the biggest pink diamonds Sonya had ever seen. Twenty-four carat, magnificent and pure.

Carla stared at it with wide eyes, “This… is mine?”

“If you’ll have it,” Sonya said and looked up a bit into Carla’s face, “Between us, it’ll always be your call. You know how I am, I like to play, and I am not one for settling down or monogamy or-” She chuckled, “-or anything like that but, I want you with me,” She babbled a little, a bit of warmth coming to her face. “I just-”

Before she could continue talking like an idiot a pair of lips pressed against hers and the box fell shut in her hands. She let her arms relax before wrapping them around Carla’s waist. She pulled her close, kissing her, at first chastely, then hungrily. Carla clawed at her back for a moment before they parted, breathing hard. “Put it on me, please,” Carla panted, a few tears in her eyes, “I haven’t wanted anything more.”

Sonya swallowed and nodded hurriedly, opening the box and pulled it out. She unclasped the lock where the diamond sat and pulled it open as Carla leaned forward and bore her neck to Sonya. Sonya’s eyes raked over that skin that was about to become blemished and felt a hungry thrill run up her spine. She slipped the collar around Carla’s neck and affixed it with a click. “It’s locked. No key. Only my technopathy.”

“It’s perfect,” Carla breathed, her cheeks flush, she was panting, wide eyed, ready; “I love you so much, Sonya.”

“I’m not done with you yet,” Sonya said breathlessly and took her hand, “I have a treat for you, come.”

They raced back into the beach house and through the hall, huffing, frantic as they reached the door. They barely got inside before they started kissing again. Sonya scrambled for the doorknob before finally pushing it open and revealing the wonderland inside. Ropes of silk hung down from above the bed, there were flower petals scattered everywhere and candles lit. Yet the most prominent thing were the two porcelain skinned, glittering copies of Sonya sitting on the bed with lust blazing in their eyes. Carla stumbled and stared as the door shut behind her.

Sonya grinned and leaned up to bite her ear, whispering; “I’m going to spoil you tonight.”

Carla went slack jawed, “I’m yours,” She breathed, trembling as Sonya led her towards the bed.

The two copies reached up and pulled her down into bed, one kissing her while the other began to pull at her clothes. Sonya watched, chewing on her lip as Carla let out a tiny whimper when the copy kissing her grasped at her breast and squeezed. “Greedy girl,” The copy purred, “Can’t have enough of me, need three just to get off.”

The words set off a shuddering moan through Carla as the other copy pulled her skirt away and cast it aside, she reached down and slid her finger between Carla’s legs, “What a pervert! Look at how wet she is!” The second copy laughed.

Sonya tilted her head and rest her cheek against her face, grinning ear to ear, “Just awful, what are we going to do with her, girls?”

“Bind her up,” The first suggested.

“Spank her till she cries,” The second said.

“I say we pinch these cute little nipples,” The first said and grabbed onto one through Carla’s bra as her shirt fell away. She pinched, twisted and tugged, “What do you think, pervert?”

Carla moaned again and threw her head back, “Do it all, hurt me, please,” Carla begged, her smile so wide it had to hurt.

Sonya laughed, putting a bit of derision in, “You heard her, girls, make it hurt.”

They tore away the rest of her clothes, pulled on her arms and bound them up in the silk ropes so that they hung up and over her head. Carla panted wildly, looking up at Sonya who just watched her, from above with a predatory grin. The look must have done it for her because she shuddered and threw her head back, squeezing her legs together as the two tugged at her knees. The first copy barked out a laugh while the second gave Carla a slap across the face.

“We aren’t even done tying you up! Bad girl!” The second barked.

“I’m so sorry!” Carla moaned, her smile even wider as the redness on her cheek bloomed, “I’m being bad when you’re being so nice to me! I can’t stop though!”

The first got to work binding up Carla’s ankles while Sonya reached up and clutched at her own breast, squeezing a little. She chewed on her lip as Carla was trussed up more. Silk rope was wrapped around her breasts and tied taught before being drawn down to squeeze her thighs and force her legs apart more. A trickle of joy dripped down pink lips as Carla drowned in ecstasy. Hands ran across her body, fingers pinched and tugged at nipples, little kisses pecked at her neck before devolving into bites and nips. She squirmed and writhed, throwing her head back and squealing.

Sonya pulled her tie off and held it out to the first copy who took it, balled it up, and pushed it into Carla’s panting mouth. Carla let out a whine of delight only to go still as she looked at the real Sonya. Sonya was pulling her jacket off when their eyes met. She threw it down and smiled down at Carla as she unbuttoned her shirt and cast it aside as well. Carla breathed harder but couldn’t focus as hands moved down to tease and pinch her between her legs. Filthy words whispered into her ears that made her shudder and shake, she bucked her hips desperately in Sonya’s direction, wide eyed, frantic.

“I’m not even undressed yet,” Sonya purred as she slipped out of her slacks and let them fall to her knees. She kicked them aside and took a step back, running her fingers up and through her hair. Carla could see everything, the pink lingerie laced with black, the black high heels, the blazing glow of Sonya’s eyes. She let her hair fall down to her shoulders, “Like what you see?”

Sonya watched sweat glisten on Carla’s throat as she swallowed hard, the pink diamond rising and falling a little. Bright eyes sparkled with need as she nodded.

“Beg,” Sonya purred and the second pulled the tie from Carla’s mouth. The first copy slid off the bed and went over to a cabinet.

“Mistress you’re so beautiful I can’t stand it, I’m so lucky, please, please, please!” She begged, bucking her hips again, “More! I want you so bad I don’t know what to do with myself!” She whined and bucked again, shuddering a little, “Mistress please! I’ll do anything!”

Sonya smirked as the first came over hand handed her a thin whip, Sonya brandished it up next to her lips with a toothy smile, “You want this?”

“Yes!” Carla whimpered, “Put the-” She didn’t even have to ask, the tie went back into her mouth as Sonya cracked the whip against Carla’s unblemished thigh. A small red mark appeared and Carla whined with delight, shivering at the pain. Sonya lashed out again, another whipping against the other thigh. Then one snapped out and flicked her nipple. Carla cried out and threw her head back again.

“Naughty little pervert cums in the middle of my photo shoot and sits there begging to be whipped, you’re a filthy thing, Carla Mint, a filthy pervert who needs it to hurt or be humiliated in order to get off,” Sonya berated her, snapping the whip again against the other nipple. Carla rolled her eyes back and shuddered under the mix of degradation and pain. She twitched, her hips rising into the air. Sonya pulled the whip back and walked slowly towards the bed, handing the whip off to the first copy who grabbed it and went to go grab something else.

She crawled up until she was on top of Carla, looking down at her, a stream of silver hair forming a curtain around their faces. She looked into Carla’s sex-bleary eyes, “But your my little pervert, and I adore you for it,” She whispered and leaned in to plant a cruel kiss against the tie instead of her restrained lover’s lips. She sat up immediately on her knees running her hands over her own body and tweaking her nipple once. She let out a gasp of delight at pleasuring herself while Carla watched and started to wriggle again.

“Recovering already?” She purred and slid her hand down to her pelvis. The two copies leaned in to kiss Carla’s neck again, squeezing and teasing her breasts, cuddling up close until they slid up a bit and rested her head between their breasts. Sonya tilted her head and with a flex of power raised her hand, a shaft of light rose from between her legs and glowed there prominently. Carla stared at it, her eyes sparkling.

The second copy reached up and pulled the tie from her mouth again. Carla panted and looked up at Sonya with need. Sonya crawled over her and positioned herself before sliding it in, she reached up to run her fingers through Carla’s hair as the woman moaned. She went in all the way to the hilt as her lips reached Carla’s chin. She kissed her once, then twice, then shifted up to take Carla’s lips. She let her tongue slide inside and explored Carla’s mouth before pulling away slightly, “Are you ready?” She whispered.

“Mor-more-ready-please-yes,” Carla babbled.

“Good girl,” Sonya whispered and ran her fingers over Carla’s throat before stopping at the collar, “It’s going to be a long night, lover.”
