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Season 1 has come to an end. Thank you all so much for reading along as this new Era dawns on planet Earth. The story has just begun!

I am taking a few days off to get some rest and recharge ahead of writing the next season, thank you guys for your support and your patronage, without y'all, this would not be possible. You make this story worth writing and every comment gives me the strength and energy to keep going.

You are the best fans a crazy writer like me could ever have.

  • Broker

Now, On to the trailer for Season 2!


It’s a brave new world. Everything has changed since Vegas, an event that will go down in history as the climax of the flash and the punctuation-mark on the dawn of a new era. Measures have been taken to prevent such an event from ever happening again. It has been a year since that fateful day and society has reached a new equilibrium, tenacious as ever. Young people across the world are coming of age and awakening their powers with the fourth Hero Day fast approaching. One young soul, committed to upholding the ideals of the man remembered as the greatest hero of the flash, dreams of becoming a hero. Meanwhile, forces are on the move. Factions have formed, The Guilds grow stronger, Villains have risen, Dungeons have been conquered, and a cult is on the rise in the American South. 

And yet, everything is going to plan: Don’t step out of line, you heroes, Ishtar is watching.



Yum, love the idea of Mommy Ishtar delivering a spanking to Heroes that act like petulant children. Have a good rest.

M. Gunnarsson

Will the next book have a different protagonist?