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The mage had barely been able to right herself when Anna charged, her eyes were still stinging but Anna’s vision was cleared up enough to get a good bead on the mage. She brought her mace up in an arc that was deflected by a hastily cast barrier of mana. Anna admitted that she should have realized the woman would have been able to cast the most basic caster spell, but in fairness the woman had only been slinging fire about for the past minute. Her strike bounced off the barrier as it crumbled and she snapped out with her free hand, going through the rapid mental motions of casting pathetic illusion.

A flickering ball of light appeared around the woman’s head. The female devil made a garbled sound of annoyance and swatted at it, dispelling the illusion as Anna closed the distance. The mage’s eyes went wide as another swing came in from Anna’s mace and she desperately created another barrier, then another, and another as Anna began wailing on her, one strike after another forcing her further and further back. She went down on one knee, one arm cradled as she rapidly cast barriers to forestall Anna’s onslaught.

“Azol!” The mage cried out, her arm buckling as a bit of steam began to rise from her hand.

The sound of chains approached again but this time there was no counter sound. Anna glanced over in time to see Rook fully engaged with the archer who had managed to gain some distance and was pelting the big guy with arrows that hit like cannonballs. The golem would jerk back with each blow before stalwartly charging forward only to be restrained by a pair of chains wrapping around his legs held taught by the chainmaster. One of those chains had come free and with shocking speed and accuracy, it wrapped around Anna’s wrist, restraining the latest swing of her mace.

Her blood boiled as it went taught and she was about to reach for it when she felt something race through the chain. Mana. She realized with a start. She looked over at the chainmaster again only to see a line of sickly yellow flame rush across the surface of the chain and in her direction. She snarled as it reached her arm, the yellow flames burning against her flesh and leaving a rotten scent that plagued her nostrils and sent her stomach churning. Pain raced up her arm and her head spun for a moment. Poison flames? She thought as she concentrated on her gauntlets, triggering the grip lock to make sure she didn’t lose her mace as the attack numbed her muscles.

“Safira!” The chainmaster shouted, the sound piercing through the momentary haze brought on by his insidious attack. Anna shook her head, concentrating on the flames in her veins and the clarity it gave her. She blinked and looked up at the retreating form of the mage who had rose to her feet and ran, racing for distance. No you don’t! Anna roared, throwing her presence forward, all of her attention in a single direction, willing the woman to feel the brunt of her fury as she called her shotgun out of her inventory. She leveled the weapon and pulled the trigger, realizing in that moment that there weren’t any rounds in the barrels.

A surge of mana raced through her body, leaving kernels behind before it swelled through her hand and into the weapon, triggering one of its effects. A narrow cone of power burst forth and caught the woman in the back, leaving a grotesque hole where her torso had been.

You have slain Vaygar Devil, Level 10 (50)
Experience gained based on enemy True Level
50 Iron Credits Gained

Level up! You have reached Level 11 in your class, Caster.
+1 Int, +2 Wil, +3 Pre, +1 Ins, +1 Awa, +9 Free Points, A new round of skill selection is available.

Vayagar Devils defeated (4/5)

A roar of fury shattered the air and the sound of chains approached her again. She pivoted to face the chainmaster just as the second length of chain wrapped around her other wrist. Anticipating what would come next she dismissed her shotgun again just in time for more yellow flames to race up to her and sear her straight through her armor. The sickening feeling intensified and she gagged, her knees going weak and her stomach threatening to empty itself right onto the ground. Yet even as her health began to drop rapidly, all she could do was shoot a grin at the chainmaster while a new item appeared in her hand.

A standard golem core.

“I Anna Flitt, awaken you, golem. Stand and heed me,” She croaked, and dropped the core to the ground. It sank to the earth just as her knees buckled and she fought to remain standing, her pride and heritage screaming against the indignity of kneeling before the devil-man. Two things happened at that moment. The dirt at her feet exploded upward as a golem made of soil, dirt, and gravel erupted from the ground and slammed into the chains that were binding her. At the same time, an update notification flashed in her vision accompanied by a distant, gurgling scream of pain.

Vayagar Devils defeated (5/5)

The archer was down, the chainmaster had put all of his attention on Anna in retaliation for killing the mage and had left the archer without support against Rook. Now the Chainmaster was alone and Rook was likely closer. Between the jarring motion of the dirt golem’s appearance and Rook’s attention, it was no surprise that the chains released themselves from Anna’s wrists and she toppled a bit to catch herself on the dirt golem’s body. The scent of soil filled her nostrils and cleansed it from the rank stench coming from her arms. 

“Go help your brother,” She coughed at the golem and pulled a handful of healing plates from her inventory. She called up her resources and clicked her tongue. Those flames had done a number on her.

HP: 106/223 | SP: 104/133 | MT: 58/236

Anna shifted her jaw left and right and shot the back of her dirt golem a look. Just past it, Rook charged and brought his axe down towards the Chainmaster. “Fuck it,” She grunted and charged all five glass plates. It blew through a hell of a lot of mana casting a healing spell like this, and she wasn’t sure what good it would do to the deeper damage caused by the flames, but she was determined. She crushed them and the glass burst into a glowing effervescent powder that spread up her arm and across her skin, easily slipping through her armor and clothing. She felt the soothing sensation wash over her as her health began to climb and she caught her breath.

Ahead of her, the dirt golem finally caught up with the ongoing fight, throwing its entire body at the chainmaster with a shoulder check. The devil roared with indignant fury as yellow flames burst around him, contrasting with his scarlet skin. His chains fully retracted, wrapping around his wrists and shoulders and with a titanic shift, threw his arm at the dirt golem, punching clear through it and sending the core hurtling back in Anna’s direction. He glared at her through the hole he’d left behind, his reddish eyes had turned a yellow-gold and glowed with inner fire.

Anna tilted her head at him, glancing down at the core that rolled to her feet before crumbling to dust. She raised her head high and looked down on him from across her nose, the act sending a fresh wave of heat through her blood as if praising her. He bore his teeth and opened his mouth to shout at her when a massive axehead came within an inch of his neck. He threw his arm up and blocked it, the blade scraping against the flaming chains as he leveled her with a glare before snarling when she didn’t move. 

She checked her resources again, already feeling the sensation of healing beginning to wear off.

HP: 196/223 | SP: 102/133 | MT: 98/236

Her lip twitched, recovery is about double the price paid in mana. Not exactly great, but could be worse. She thought as another crash of metal on metal rang out. Rook had leveraged his hook as a secondary weapon, drawing it up to catch a haymaker from the Chainmaster as the Chainmaster raised his other arm to block yet another ruthless axe-blow from the golem. The golems slitted eyes began to glow brighter, his torso tilting forward to get right in the Chainmaster’s face. Anna held out a hand and cast a mana barrier at his back, pausing his retreat for a moment.

His back hit the panel just as Rook’s gaze went off. The blast of heat and light struck the Chainmaster and the devil let out a roar, yellow light blazing on his skin in response but the sheer force was enough to send him through the barrier and crashing into the ground. Skin flaked on his face and arms while Rook stood over him, not letting up on the steady stream of red-orange light. 

The yellow glow that encapsulated and protected the Chainmaster flickered and the devil’s expression changed. He threw his head back, “A duel!” He shouted, “I challenge you to a Duel! One on One! Winner takes all!” He bellowed. 

You have been challenged to a duel of single-combat.
Upon the death of either party, all current assets and possessions will be transferred to the winner. Do you accept this challenge? Yes/No

Anna frowned, ignoring him as she watched Rook take a step forward, axe at the ready.

“The slaves are bound to me!” The Chainmaster shouted, “If I die, they die! They are yours if you are victorious!”

Anna tilted her head, “So?” She grunted only for the heat in her veins to begin to cool. She blinked, surprised as the uplifting feeling started to fade from her body, her heritage rejecting her actions. It hadn’t scorned her when she felt disgust towards the slaves, was her understanding wrong? Her hand hesitated as her gaze flicked around, trying to understand. She felt stronger, more in control, more focused, when her heritage was active and it clearly had an effect on her enemies. It was like they were moving through soup. 

She glanced towards a figure that was huddled against one of the walls built around the playground, a young man with a look of abject terror in his eyes. He was trembling, the collar around his neck glinting a bit in the flickering yellow firelight. She frowned, he was weak, right? Pathetic. He had succumbed to servitude rather than fighting it to his last breath. She didn’t need him, she didn’t need anyone but her golems! I stand alone! She roared at her heritage only for it to recede even more. 

Why?! She screamed at it, Am I not acting like an Imperious Monarch-


What kind of monarch doesn’t have a kingdom? A people to rule? Even if they’re slaves.

Her lips pursed and she looked away from the slave, her gauntlets clenching tightly around her mace. She didn’t like it, but it also didn’t feel wrong. More importantly, she felt the heat begin to rise up in her veins again like a proud beast. “I accept. Rook, stand down,” She grunted and the heat turned into an inferno once more. It burned brighter, harder, fiercer, rushing through her limbs and roaring its approval of a challenge between leaders, a single battle to crush the enemy spirit in its totality and leave no question as to who the true conqueror was.

I get it already, she grunted in mild annoyance. She had him, right there, but she had to admit. It might be nice to get all of his stuff and not just a few spare bits from his corpse. She never got any decent money off of a slain enemy, only an amount equal to her level. She wondered how much cash the guy had. Alright, fine, I’m sold.

Rook’s slitted eyes dimmed, the beam flickering into nothing and the golem pulled away, taking a few steps back. It stalked a short distance away before stopping to watch.

The Chainmaster scrambled to his feet, heaving and coughing. The skin on his face was seared and cracked as if it had been cooked. His arms were reddened and deeply scored from using them to protect himself from the blast. Even so, he grinned at her, his lips cracking and bleeding and a vial appeared in his hand, “You have my gratitude, warrior,” He chuckled and tilted it towards his mouth.

“Fuck you,” Anna growled, “Put that shit down, now. That was a stay of execution, not permission to top up before the duel.”

“You won’t do me the honor of fighting me at my best?” The Chainmaster challenged.

The flames in her blood roared and she bore her teeth, “Put. It. Down. Fuck your honor. This is a duel to the fucking death. You run, you try to use a healing item, and I’m bringing the big guy in.”

A Declaration of Terms! The Imperious Monarch, Anastasia Flitt has set the terms of the duel, as her authority supersedes all others present, her will is law. No participant in the duel may retreat or use healing items. Failure to heed these terms will result in a  severe penalty and allow the other party to invite others to participate. The terms are set, the duel begins, only one may leave alive.

The Chainmaster froze, the bottle at his lips, his bloody smile gone. His eyes were like saucers. As were hers, but she recovered faster, the frown on her face turning into a predatory grin. “Imperious Monarch…” He breathed. “Your heritage is-”

Anna was done with this motherfucker, she charged, her mace at the ready as she bore down with her presence and her shotgun appeared in her hand. The devil staggered back a step, the confusion on his face moving from fright to desperation to fury. He threw out both of his ruined arms and launched the chains in her direction. One heading directly for her and the other to her right, anticipating which way she’d move. She clicked her tongue and threw herself further to the right, firing off a blast with her shotgun towards the chain to push it away before resuming her charge. 

He bore his teeth at her and hurriedly retracted his chains as she charged, wrapping them around his arms again before clapping his hands together and releasing a wide fan of yellow flames. She threw herself down into a roll, the necrotic flames scorching her back. The pain fueled her fury even more, she landed on her feet and threw her momentum into a leap, raising her mace over her head. He drew his arms up as she came down with an animal snarl, power strike and imperious wrath sending angry molten flames down from the site of impact and into his skin as the double-impact drove him back several full paces.

“W-wait!” He shouted as she feinted another overhand strike, “You! I know what you are! I can-”

“I don’t fucking care!” She roared, nothing he said would mean anything to her. He had tried multiple times to weasel his way out of facing her properly. Everything he said was a lie as far as she was concerned, even if he knew some truth about her heritage, it would be meaningless coming from him. 

He raised both arms to block, yellow flames bursting from them to try to drive her back. She ignored them as they caught on her face and shoulders, putting her back into a wide, sweeping uppercut that struck against his elbows. He let out a cry of pain as those angry discolored flames spread like cracks across his skin, the secondary impact sounding off with the resounding crunch of crushed bone. He screamed, as he was launched up and into an arc before trying to catch himself, landing on the very arms that she’d just broken.


The scream turned into a wail as he rolled onto his back, tears in his eyes, his arms were twisted in disturbing directions. He kicked his legs, shaking his head against the pain as he tried to call up more of those yellow flames, they burned and spread across the ground. 

“That’s it?!” Anna roared as she stomped towards him, stopping at the edge of the ring of yellow flames, she wanted nothing to do with how they rotted her skin. “That’s all you’ve got after all that fucking bluster?”

“You didn’t let me heal, you psychotic woman! How the hell is this a proper duel of honor?” He shrieked back at her, “Fuck! I am a Chainmaster of the Children of Vayagar! I am not dying here to an upstart native with a bloodline she neither understands nor deserves!” He screamed and jerked his body, a token appearing in his mouth from an inventory somewhere on his body. He bit down on it to crush it and… nothing happened. It turned to dust in his mouth and he blinked in confusion.

The next instant silver light began to burn under his skin and he let out yet another scream of pain, his eyes rolling back as he convulsed. Anna lowered her weapon and watched him twitch and writhe, Must be the punishment for trying to heal or escape, huh. She thought absently before glancing up at Rook who began to march his way over. He brandished his axe and raised it over his head just as the Chainmaster recovered from his torment. He blinked and looked up at the blade aimed at his nose and his eyes went wide.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! No! I’ll-” 

“Kill him.” 

The axe fell.

You are Victorious, possessions will be distributed shortly.

You have slain Vaygar Devil Chainmaster, Level 10 (50)
Experience gained based on enemy True Level
50 Iron Credits Gained

Level up! You have reached Level 12 in your class, Caster.
+1 Int, +2 Wil, +3 Pre, +1 Ins, +1 Awa, +9 Free Points, A new round of skill selection is available.

Vayagar Devil Chainmaster defeated (1/1)
Eliminate the competing groups in your Local Area (2/7)




Thanks for the Chapter


This is nice~ Thanks for the chapter.