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Anna didn’t waste any more time. She plucked the armor token out of her inventory and immediately cracked it in her fist. After a pause a set of armored pants dropped from the air and onto the ground with a thud and little further fanfare. She knelt down and grabbed it, identifying it immediately.

Dark-Steel Greaves of the March (Uncommon-Grade)
A heavy set of greaves designed for a warrior on the march, provides protection against blows to the legs. These greaves reduce the stamina cost of movement by a small amount.

Pairing these with my boots will have a nice synergy, she thought with a smile before pulling them into her inventory and then equipping them from it. It took less time than putting them on manually and she really didn’t want to spend the time. It was also nice to finally having something protecting her knees and thighs besides the jeans she wore beneath her robes. She was basically in full armor at this point and it felt a little weird calling herself a caster. She didn’t regret picking magic, though.

She pulled the upgrade token out next and hustled over to one of the workstations, setting her mace down and cracking the token over it. It immediately turned to dust and sprinkled down over the weapon. It began to glow and tremble, the surface cracking here and there for a moment before the weapon grew by at least an inch. The flangs grew more pronounced and sharp and the handle now ended in a red stone that was pointed like a spike. She picked it up and turned it over in her hand. Heavy, but easy enough to wield.

Dark-Steel Flanged Mace of Brutal Swings (Uncommon-Grade)
A heavy mace designed for battle, the flanges of this mace cut deep and cause excessive bleeding both externally and internally. 

Bleed damage, She cracked a stiff grin at the weapon and slung it over her shoulder before giving it a few practice swings. It was a little longer so she had to shift her stance a bit but it wasn’t hard to adjust. She quickly pulled up her stats and reviewed them before putting three points into vitality and six into willpower to push her HP and MT. After that she reviewed her character sheet, the results of her hard work.

Name: Anastasia Flitt
Race: Human - Terran
Class: Caster - 8
Profession: Engraver - 12
Tier: Mortal
Heritage: Imperious Monarch

HP: 207/207 | SP: 133/133 | MT: 0/214

Attributes: Available Free Points: 0
Strength: 38 | Agility: 21 | Intellect: 52
Vitality: 41 | Endurance: 27 | Willpower: 49
Awareness: 28 | Insight: 67 | Presence: 94

Youth of the Integration (Common), Precursor of Earth (Common), Pre-System Warrior (Epic), Dungeon Integrator I (Uncommon), Solo Dungeon Runner I (Uncommon),  Dungeon Conqueror I (Rare)

Maces (Common-Mid), Power Strike (Common-Mid), Identify (Common-Base), Heavy Armor (Common-Low), Personal Firearms (Common-Base), Engrave (Common-Peak), Dismantle Enchanted Item (Common-Mid), Analyze Engraving (Common-High), Core Refinement (Uncommon-Mid), The Human Spirit (Uncommon-Base), Adaptable (Uncommon-Base), Resounding Blows (Rare-Base), Imperious Wrath (Unique-Low)

Mana Barrier (Common-Mid), Mana Bolt (Common-Base), Pathetic Illusion (Common-Base), Heal Minor Wound (Common-Base), Create Bludgeon (Common-Base), Repair Object (Common-Base)

Iron: 2210

Satisfied, she turned her head towards the podium and the exit tablet before clearing her throat. “Alright Rook, we’re going,” She said and the golem that had been standing in silence off to the side sprung to life, marching over to the podium with her. She turned her presence all the way down and pulled her hood up over her head, the blood in her veins starting to heat up in anticipation.

The heat turned into an inferno as she reached for the exit.

“Now, let’s go give this tutorial another go. I’m sure Pixel is tired of waiting.”

Viletta sat under the threadbare blanket in the tent that the masters had set up over the strange tombstone. She didn’t dare look at it, as obsessed with the masters were with it, she didn’t want to think of what involving herself would bring on her head. They had told her to stay in this room and alert them if anything unusual happened. She’d had to do so once, but apparently it had nothing to do with the true source of their obsession.

She glanced up at the unwelcome light source in the otherwise darkened room. It was supposed to be night, but the awful thing in the cage above her cast a persistent glow that made it hard to sleep. She wanted to pull the blanket over her head but knew doing so would earn her a whipping or worse if she was caught. Sighing, she rolled over and pulled it up as high as she dared, one hand brushing against the collar around her neck.

Her dead eyes flicked down to her fingertips and she pulled them away from the heavy metal ring, her shoulders shifting down as her long ears twitched. Apparently aelves were supposed to be a proud people, one of cooperation and distinction. If that was so, she hardly believed she deserved to be even called one. As far as her dread masters were concerned, she was cattle and she should be content in the thought that she was useful enough to be allowed to walk about. There were other options for a ‘pretty knife-ear’, worse ones.

She shuddered at the thought and glared up again at the wobbling orb of light that bounced off the bars of its cage again before turning her attention to the flaps leading out of the tent. Madame Caustia was already in her tent, resting after another day of hunting. She was the one most interested in the odd tombstone. The other dread masters had been for a while, but as the weeks passed their interest had waned and their focus turned elsewhere. Now Caustia was the only one who monitored the place. She seemed to resent it now.

Viletta sighed and rolled over again, trying to get comfortable as her eyes fell on the tombstone again and blinked. Her mind taking a moment to process what she saw. 

One moment the tent was empty as always, the next there were two figures in the tent besides herself. The most noticeable was a war golem made of dark metal and looming over her at what had to be close to twice her height. Its four glowing red eyes blazed as it turned its head to look right at her. Her breathing quickened as her muscles went very still, her eyes turning to the next figure. A woman in armor and black robes. She was hard to look at, like Viletta’s eyes kind of slid over her without being able to focus. The woman seemed to fade more and more into her surroundings as the muted seconds passed.

Where have I seen her before? Viletta thought numbly before another thought occurred. Is this who the dread masters were waiting for? I need to alert them or else! She panicked, opening her mouth and sitting up quickly to let out a cry.


One moment she was sitting up and the next she was on her back, a hand over her mouth. Two brown eyes that flickered with a disturbing red orange like molten lava bored down on her. Black hair fell around her face and she trembled beneath the iron grip of the woman who was now sitting on top of her.

“Don’t.” The woman hissed, her words translated by the universal language skill.

Viletta’s eyes flicked from the woman’s face, still unable to settle her focus, it made her head hurt. Instead she looked up at the golem and the horrible looking meat hook in its hand. She wanted to consent, she wanted to do as she was told, but every second she hesitated, the collar around her neck began to heat up. She shook her head frantically and the woman sighed before pulling her fist back.

“Pathetic,” The woman growled and drove her fist down.

Anna got off the elf and frowned at her, shaking her head. That instinctive disgust seared beneath her skin again. She didn’t regret knocking the slave out, arguing and placating was a waste of time and it was obvious the collar was doing something to prevent her from complying anyway. She turned her head away from the unconscious slave and to the cage hanging over her head, her eyes growing harder. Pixel was hanging there inside of the cage that seemed capable of even holding the little ball of light.

She didn’t say a word but instead held a finger up to her lips. She nodded at her little friend-slash-tutorial supervisor and turned her attention towards the flaps leading out of the otherwise empty tent. She crept towards them and stopped, parting the folds just a little to peer outside and into the dim light outside. Moonlight provided some illumination to the clearing while a campfire added on, giving Anna enough to see without problems. There was another tent stationed across from the one she was currently in with the campfire separating them.

No movement, no sign of anyone else. She glanced back at Pixel.

“You alright?” She asked.

“No damage, Miss Anna, perks of being a system entity, I daresay though that being capable of containment is displeasing,” Pixel muttered in a low volume voice. There was more inflection there than she remembered the little thing capable of, less jolly. “I am glad to see you’re alive.”

“How long was I gone?” She asked.

“A full month and a day,” Pixel said, “Clearly any concerns I had were unfounded. A profession! And quite the powerful one, given your companion.”

She smirked, “Sorry I left you so long,” she said and glanced back at the flaps, “Any chance on getting some-”

“Only one, female, bow user,” Pixel immediately said.

Anna raised an eyebrow, “Uh…”

“They wronged a system entity. I reserve the right to punish them, through you, of course,” Pixel griped, showing absolutely no shame for helping her out this time. 

She smirked and turned back to the flap, “Female bow user, huh?”

Her eyes fluttered and she let her bloodline run wild, the fiery rage that she had left unspent and undirected for a month now surging to the surface and starved for violence. Every single infuriated thought that had been kept at bay by the pleasantness and challenges of the dungeon now shoved their way to the forefront of her mind. Her first instinct was obliteration, unleashing her wrath on her target and leaving naught but a smear behind. She reigned in the instinct and focused on an even better thought.

Enslavement, use them to find the others, execution.

Her heritage purred in response and the flames felt even more focused, the blindness of the rage receding to give way to focus. She pushed the flaps of the tent apart and stepped into the campsite, her mace gripped tightly in one hand as she called a flashbang plate into the other. She popped her neck and charged the plate with a single point of mana before tossing it through the flaps of the other tent. The tent seemed to expand like a balloon for a moment as a flash of light sent short beams out from any openings. Inside, there was a cry of surprise and pain.

Anna gestured at the tent, “Rook, Bring her.”

Rook stormed past her, reaching the tent in a few brisk stomps and grabbing the top of the tent in a powerful hand. It pulled the tent up and away tossing the entire thing aside and leaving only the bed, desk, and half-dressed devil inside staring at her in shock and confusion. The confusion immediately melted into fury and with a snarl the woman called her bow to her hand. She was about to draw it when Rook swat her across the head with the back of his fist. She was sent sprawling to the ground. 

Anna watched as the golem marched over and grabbed the woman by the head. She let out a cry of pain and reached up to claw at the golem’s hand, cursing in a language that Anna didn’t care to know. Despite her protests, she was dragged to Anna’s feet.

Vaygar Devil, Level 9 (45)

Anna raised an eyebrow, “Congratulations on leveling up,” Anna bit out, dialing up her presence all the way and bathing the area in it. The devil flinched and looked up at her, defiance dying like an ember doused with water. Only horror remained. “Remember me? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

The devil only nodded.

“Bring it out, then,” Anna said. The devil blinked and opened her mouth to speak only for Anna to snap her hand out and grab her by the mouth and jaw. “I didn’t give you permission to speak. You know what I’m talking about. Bring it out.” She commanded.

The devil stared at her in confusion for several seconds before her pupils shrank in horrified realization. She shook her head, struggling but Anna only arrested her head with her grip, squeezing down and drawing a small groan of pain out. She didn’t ask twice, only tightening her grip on her mace and gesturing slightly with it. That seemed to get the point across as in the next second a collar appeared on the ground between them.

Vayagar Slave Collar (Common-Grade)
A slave collar used by the Vayagar Devils, putting this on an individual binds them to your service. Thoughts or acts against you will result in painful punishments.

Anna nodded to it, “Pick it up.”

The devil woman did so, her hands shaking.

“Open it,” Anna hissed.

Again, the devil woman obeyed.

“Put it around your neck.”

The Devil woman’s eyes went wide and she tried to struggle again against both her and Rooks grip only for Anna to give her a solid backhand across the face. She grabbed her by the jaw again and looked her dead in the eyes, “You want to live longer? Don’t make me repeat myself.”

The devil made a choking sound that could have been a sob, Anna didn’t give a shit. She didn’t even bother rationalizing it, pushing the image of the dead-eyed slaves out of her mind. The woman drew the collar up and set it around her neck before Anna released her jaw and reached down, snapping it shut herself. The lock hissed and fused together and Anna stood up straight, nodding to Rook to let go of the woman.

The woman fell to her knees, gripping her head where the golem had pressed her skull in a bit. Anna scowled down at her, “Stand up,” She said with disgust.

The devil didn’t disobey this time, getting to her feet and staring with barely constrained fury at Anna. Anna smirked at her and nodded towards the tent behind her. “Release my glowing friend.”

Mutedly, the devil marched into the tent and a few seconds later Pixel came rushing out.

“Aaah! Liberated!” The glowing ball of light chirped, floating to Anna. She held her hand out and it landed in her palm. “You are most gracious, Miss Anna.”

She smiled at her little glowing friend and looked towards the tent, a few seconds later the woman came out with a hollow look in her eyes. 

Pixel flashed a little, “What about the other one?”

“What about her?” Anna asked with a frown, glancing down at Pixel.

“Freeing her could be beneficial to you,” Pixel pointed out.

Anna scoffed before frowning, Pixel wasn’t wrong. The elf certainly could be useful to her but she really had no interest in spending time trying to mend her broken psyche. One only had to look her in the eyes to know that the woman was utterly lost in her current state. She glanced down at Pixel and sighed, looking at the Devil again, “Free the slave inside.”

“I don’t have that authority,” The Devil finally spoke, the first time she had said a word.

“Who does?” Anna asked.

“The Chainmaster, the leader of-”

Anna held up her hand, “Works for me, I was planning on going to your main camp next anyway,” She said and gave the devil woman a grin, “Lead the way.”

The look in the devil woman’s eyes as she realized why Anna hadn’t killed her yet; one first of confusion, then pale-faced terror, then resignation, was extremely satisfying.


S. Nutter

Hopefully we get a big fight scene next!


While the devils deserve it kind of hoping she doesn’t make a habit of using the collars as a convenience