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She should have expected this, she really should have. There was no reason not to expect this. It was the very first spell she had to pick, baseline, the beginning, her initial options. Of course it would be simple and fairly straightforward. She understood that. She got it, she really did. But…

“What the hell?” She grumbled at the list.

Please choose your first Spell.

Mana Barrier (Common-Base)
You create an inefficient barrier of mana to protect yourself for a brief period. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Durability of the barrier is based on Intellect.

Mana Bolt (Common-Base)
You create a small and inefficient mass of combustible mana that can be fired at a target. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Damage caused is based on Intellect.

Pathetic Illusion (Common-Base)
You create a small, singular, stationary, and soundless visual illusion that lasts for a brief period. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Quality of the illusion is based on Intellect.

Create Bludgeon (Common-Base)
You create a simple bludgeoning implement that lasts for a brief period of time. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Durability and strength of the weapon is based on Intellect.

Repair Object (Common-Base)
You repair a non-magical mundane object back to its original condition. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Speed and quality of the repair is based on Intellect.

Heal Minor Wound (Common-Base)
You use magic to heal a small amount of tissue at a rapid pace. Mana consumption cost is based on Will, Speed and effectiveness of healing is based on Intellect.

The weapon proficiency list had been huge. This was a little underwhelming. She had to admit that any of the spells would be nice to have, for sure, but she was hoping for something a little more exciting than quite literally being able to conjure up a temporary magic stick. She also noted that the spells with the word ‘mana’ in their name were considered inefficient based on their flavor text. She decided to just go down the list and make her considerations.

Mana Barrier sounded like it would increase her survivability by some degree by preventing attacks from hitting her, but she didn’t like the word ‘inefficient’ being in there. Mana Bolt had the similar issue but the idea of firing off blasts of raw magic power was pretty cool. Pathetic Illusion was a straight up no, it made it very clear just how limited the illusion would be and while she was sure she could come up with some uses for it, it seemed like the wrong choice for going solo.

Create bludgeon was frankly embarrassing and it felt like it had almost been tailored to the fact that she had chosen her specific weapon proficiency. Magically create a stick? While creating something out of nothing was arguably a whole can of worms on its own, it wasn’t worth it if she could only choose one. Repair object was in the same category, she just couldn’t think of a time when she would need to use it that wasn’t extremely situational.

Heal Minor Wound gave her pause, she didn’t mind getting hurt but the description seemed to imply that even if she cast it, the amount of healing done wouldn’t be great. She also had a weird feeling about it too. The way Pixel had briefly explained magic suggested that having mana put into your body probably wasn’t good for you. She wondered if there were downsides to being healed with a spell in the long term.

“Hey Pixel?” She asked, “Are there long term problems with getting healed through magic?”

The little light flickered and bobbed, “To a small degree, any spell cast on another will cause a slight uptick against their mana tolerance.”

She sighed, “I knew it,” She grumbled and scratched her head. “Fine!” She sighed and picked Mana Barrier. It was the best option for staying alive in the long term and she didn’t trust using healing magic just yet, especially after what Pixel said. A sudden flood of information rushed into her head and she felt her brain itch and tingle. It was weird, she didn’t exactly understand how the spell worked or what went into it but she knew that if she concentrated on casting it, everything would fall into place. Guidance System or something? The window vanished but she still felt more buzzing at the back of her head. More notifications to go through.

You are a Human-Terran. 

Human-Terran (Uncommon)

A highly adaptive variant of the Human Race, native to the planet Earth (Terra) of the Sol system. Humans are innately diverse and this variant is no exception. What makes it special is an unyielding desire to advance and a natural adaptability that goes beyond the average human in the multiverse.

Attributes Per Level: +5 Free Points

Starting Skills: Identify (Common-Base), The Human Spirit (Uncommon-Base), Adaptable (Uncommon-Base)

The following skills have been added:

Identify (Common-Base)
The most basic skill in the multiverse, you are able to identify an item or creature within your immediate line of sight. Range of this skill is based on Awareness. Effectiveness of this skill is based on Insight.

The Human Spirit (Uncommon-Base)
The Human Spirit burns brightly within the hearts of all Terrans. Increases stats by 5% when fighting a creature of a higher level than yourself.

Adaptable (Uncommon-Base)
Terrans adapt to whatever life throws at them, quick to learn, quick to adjust, and quick to overcome. Gain a small bonus to experience when completing quests.

Her eyebrows shot up, now this was nice! Pixel had mentioned that Identify was something she just got to start with so that was expected. What wasn’t expected was a stat boosting skill that worked when she fought stronger enemies. It seemed like all humans got it, same for the other racial skill. Adaptable was really nice, anything that gave bonus experience had to be super good so she was happy to see it. She internalized the information and moved on to the next notification. She was excited to get through all of them so she could check out her character sheet and spend those points.

Titles Unlocked!

Youth of the Integration (Common)
You are a member of the generation of Humans not quite old enough to enter the true tutorial after the integration of Earth began. +1 Attribute Point Per Level.

Precursor of Earth (Common)
You are a part of the first generation of Humans after the integration. +1 Attribute Point Per Level.

Pre-System Warrior (Epic)
Even before integrating into the system you fought against creatures and monsters recognized by the system. Your talent for combat should not be underestimated. +5 Str, +5 Vit, +5 End. Your choice of an Armor and Weapon Proficiency. 

Titles, passive effects for doing a thing. She liked that. The first two were pretty self explanatory as to why she had them. The integration had started before she turned eighteen but she’d technically become an adult between the time everything began and her character creation. So she’d managed to get both titles. She wasn’t sure if that was a unique situation or not but she didn’t complain, that extra point was helpful she was sure.

The third title gave her pause. The system was rewarding her for fighting the skeletons before she had created her character. It was a huge reward too she was guessing based on the rarity of the title. Epic. Plus five to three stats and she got to pick two more skills! What a windfall! She grinned ear to ear as a prompt appeared immediately after she read the title.

Please choose an Armor Proficiency.

Light Armor (Common-Base)
You are proficient in wearing light armor.

Medium Armor (Common-Base)
You are proficient in wearing medium armor.

Heavy Armor (Common-Base)
You are proficient in wearing heavy armor.

Fair enough, She thought, clicking her tongue a few times in thought. She scratched her hair again and glanced over her shoulder at the front door. Based on the description of the title I won’t be getting any free armor out of it but… She glanced up and found Pixel drifting around the room, clearly looking a little bored. 

“Hey Pixel, if I were to loot some armor off, say, a big honking skeleton, could I wear it?” She asked.

“If the armor is acquired as loot it will be automatically adjusted to fit your body type,” Pixel said absently as it floated in front of the living room television, the screen reflecting its light. Was it checking itself out?

“Second question,” Anna glanced over her shoulder, “What kind of armor was that big guy wearing out there?”

“I am afraid I cannot perform the identify skill for you to get an exact description, however, I do not see why I cannot at least narrow down the category, why do you ask? You should be receiving a robe with your starting kit after going through your notifications,” Pixel pointed out.

Anna grinned, “Humor me.”

Pixel bobbed and zipped out of the room for a moment, leaving her in darkness. The only thing visible was the small list of available proficiencies that seemed to be unaffected by the lack of light. A moment later Pixel returned and the room was partially illuminated again. “It is heavy armor.”

She pursed her lips, “Not bad, I can live with that,” She said and selected the Heavy Armor Proficiency.

She waited for the flood of information to enter her head but nothing happened. Was it just for spells? Now that she thought about it, nothing had happened when she’d picked up the Bludgeoning Weapons Proficiency either. She shrugged as the second window appeared. This one was absolutely massive. Unlike the weapon proficiency selections for Caster, there were all sorts of things here. Longswords, Crossbows, Bows, Chakrams, Katars, Chains, Spears, Explosives? She tilted her head and squinted as she scrolled through, “Where is… there!”

Personal Firearms (Common-Base)
You are proficient in the use of small form-factor magical and non-magical firearms.

“Perfect,” She said with a grin and selected it.

“You’re taking some time to make your selections,” Pixel commented, floating over to her.

She glanced up at it, “I got a title that gave me an additional armor and weapon proficiency,” She pat the gun in her pocket, “Should help me use this.”

“Highly irregular,” Pixel pointed out, “What is this title called?”

“Pre-System Warrior,” Anna said.

“I am unfamiliar, perhaps the System generated the title for you, how exciting!” Pixel sounded more enthusiastic than earlier. It was a little weird since there wasn’t a lot of intonation in the things voice, just sounding like a gameshow announcer. Most of the inflection was based on volume if anything. Anna took it as it having perked up so she didn’t comment. 

There was one more notification waiting.

Character Creation Complete! 

Proficiencies have been chosen for Class: Caster. Distributing Starting Kit.

Just like that, a heavy looking book fell onto the ground at Anna’s feet along with a carefully folded robe. One moment there was nothing there and the next they just popped into the air. She snatched them both up and identify went to work.

Fledgling Arcanist’s Spellbook (Common-Grade)
A simple spellbook provided for an arcanist starting their journey down the path of the Arcane. Allows the arcanist to record spells that they have learned and study their magic in search of inspiration. Includes a primer on Arcane Magic.

Humble Fledgeling Arcanist’s Robes (Common-Grade)
A humble set of arcanist’s robes designed to provide a small amount of protection to the wielder while emphasizing mobility and comfort.

The book was nondescript, a heavy tome about the size of a modern textbook with a thick brown cover and simple leather clasp to wrap around it. When she opened it her eyes nearly glazed over at the tiny text inside as well as the diagrams that decorated even the first page. She rubbed her temple and closed it again. She’d sit down and read it properly when she had better lighting. The robes were very nice, thick, comfortable looking, they seemed to cinch at the waist and were made of some kind of brown fabric between cotton and linen. It didn’t have much in the way of adornments or design but that was to be expected.

She set it aside and got to her feet. She wanted to grab the armor off the skeleton and figure out what she could wear before she looked over her final stats. She made her way outside and squinted against the sunlight, she hadn’t even noticed daybreak. Even when she got back, the clouds that had been in the sky had made it seem darker than it actually was. 

“What time is it? Pretty close to noon I’m guessing,” She wondered before she looked down at the broken form of the skeleton. She tapped it once with her foot and knelt down, putting her hand on its shattered leg. 

Skeleton Champion, Level 10 - Deceased

“Looks like I lucked out that you couldn’t see me,” Anna mumbled, reaching for the chest plate. When she touched it, the item simply disappeared from the skeleton’s body and reappeared in her hands. It was heavy and seemed to tingle a little bit under her fingers.

Skeleton Champion’s Breastplate (Uncommon-Grade)
A heavy breastplate worn by a champion of the Undead Legions. This armor is worn and shows the signs of a tireless existence punctuated solely by battle. This armor has a self repair function and provides a small bonus to protection of the wearer's entire body.

“Didn’t do you any good, buddy,” She chuckled. The self repair function was really cool, it would make taking care of it easy. More interesting was the function that gave her entire body protection even if it was only worn on the chest. She set it aside and grabbed for its gauntlets.

Skeleton Champion’s Gauntlets (Uncommon-Grade)
A heavy set of gauntlets worn by a champion of the Undead Legions. These gauntlets are flexible and allow the wearer a comfortable level of manual dexterity while still providing protection. These gauntlets can be locked at will, preventing disarm.

Another good addition to her collection. She could definitely take advantage of the anti-disarm feature and based on the description she might be able to still use her gun while wearing them. She had been a little worried about fitting her finger against the trigger. She turned to the boots last.

Skeleton Champion’s Boots (Uncommon-Grade)
A heavy set of boots worn by a champion of the Undead Legions. These boots are reinforced to protect against frontal attacks and provide the wearer with enhanced stability while walking over difficult surfaces. While worn, reduces the overall weight of heavy armor by 25%.

“That’s why he was so fast!” Anna realized, holding the boots. While the other pieces of armor were great, the boots were the real prize if she had to be honest. She gathered them all up and hurried back into the house, setting them down alongside her book, cudgel, and robes. She put her hands on her hips and nodded happily. It was a good start and she definitely felt like her chances of survival had jumped a great deal. “Not bad, right Pixel?” She asked.

“A very unique start! While not uncommon, armor and robes are an eccentric pick!” The little ball enthused, “Have you checked your character sheet yet, Miss Anna?”

She raised her eyebrows at the ‘Miss Anna’ part but didn’t bother fighting him on it. It wasn’t like it made her uncomfortable. “Nope, just about to,” She said and with a thought pulled it up.

She only read a few lines before she paused and looked up at Pixel.

“Hey uh… what’s a Heritage?”


Some BS Deity

Gods dangir, the part we are all fucking curious about. Stupid cliffhangers


Thanks for the Chapter