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Note: This side story will contain some BDSM themes and degredation. Also, it is a Sonya x Carla pairing. It doesn't need to be read to enjoy the main story in any way but the nature of the relationship may reflect partially in future interactions between the characters, predominantly in the form of subtext. That said, enjoy.


Sonya loved night clubs, she hadn’t been much for them in her past life, admittedly. There hadn’t been much time for such frivolity. Every day had been another wandering step towards an unforeseen apocalypse and the world had adjusted to the realities of a post-flash world far slower than the current timeline. She also had to concede that another reason was that she really didn’t need to go out hunting for a good time. She’d had more than enough attention waiting for her at home, after meeting her of course.

She pushed the momentary longing out, there was no reason to dwell on it. Her thoughts instead drifted towards Mikayla and their parting. She’d promised herself to stop working so hard to fill the gap in her heart that the younger woman had sensed in her. She’d been terrifyingly sharp about it and had known, even without explicitly saying so, that Sonya’s affections had largely been directed at someone else, not fully her. It was a shame that Sonya would never repeat again.

No, she’d been freed by Mikayla’s little lecture at the end. She’d loved Sonya, but Sonya hadn’t handled it right. She knew that, accepted it, and learned from it. 

So here she was, living a far freer life than she’d ever imagined for herself. She could barely remember the last time she’d slept alone recently. That was a lie, her cybernetic brain could pick out the exact date in an instant. She snorted at the thought as she worked her way through the crowd, her starlight-white hair fluttering behind her as she caught glances, returned appreciative smiles, and even sent a wink in the direction of a particularly distracted bartender. She reveled in it, the attention, the appreciation, and to no small degree, the unabashed lust with which people looked at her.

Maybe it was something Broker had done to her, or maybe it was just that she’d hidden her real self so deep down she could have never seen it in her past life. But right now, she felt more like herself than she had ever in her entire life.

She scanned the faces, the bodies, the presences of those around her. Her enhanced senses letting her practically taste the air, examine their scents, she could get a readout of even what perfumes and colognes were worn. It only seemed to amplify her hunger, she’d been famished since the morning. A long day of work, a double life, endless toil to secure a future for humanity. She wanted to cut loose and she didn’t want to be nice about it either. She smirked, Not that I’m ever really nice about it, these days.

She scanned the room, a few familiar names popping up above the heads of some she saw. There were a few awakened mingled into the crowd, one of which had started an approach heading right in her direction. The woman was tall, muscled, tan, with reddish hair like rust. Even Sonya had to look up a bit to meet her eyes as she came to a stop in front of her.

“Sonya, right?” The woman asked.

Sonya’s lip twitched, “Jessica, right?” She repeated a bit condescendingly.

The woman-Jessica-blinked. “Uh, yeah,” She quickly recovered, smiling darkly in her direction, “I hear you like to party, yeah? Care to join us?” She asked, jerking a thumb over her shoulder at a table filled with younger women, some clearly having just recently become able to even enter this particular establishment. Sonya read the situation and glanced up at the tough girl, awakened, hot, but…

“I don’t think you want what I have to offer,” Sonya said and reached up to tap a finger against the woman’s abs, “I’m not here to be someone’s woman.”

Jessica grinned, “I might be convinced.”

Sonya glanced past her again and spotted a very familiar name at the bar. Her lips widened a little in a smile that was almost cruel, she tilted her head up and got as close as possible to the woman, her mechanical eyes spinning inside her head, glowing. “Can you bark for me? Woof?” She purred and the woman went completely still, her tan skin turning darker all the way up her neck and to her ears. She stumbled and coughed once as Sonya tittered out a laugh, slipping past her. “Not your thing, huh?”

Sonya ignored Jessica as she spun on her feet, sensing the intense flush even from where she was. She grinned, That was fun but this…

She put her hand on the table to the right of a raven-haired woman sitting in a shoulder-less dress. Her eyes were fixed on the barely-touched glass of whiskey on the counter, her face fixed in a distant frown. She flinched once when she saw the hand appear and looked up slowly, taking on an abrupt deer-in-headlights look as she met Sonya’s gaze. Sonya couldn’t help herself, she leaned forward a little. “Miss Mint, what a surprise!” She said and glanced at the bartender who had hurried over. “Get her whatever she wants,” Sonya said and got an obedient nod.

The little attempted honey-trap cowered under her gaze for a moment before she let out a sigh and cleared her throat, quickly snatching up her purse and lowering her head. “I’ll make myself scarce, Miss Chernovna. I wouldn’t want-” She started, getting to her feet only to have Sonya put a hand on her shoulder.

“Sit down,” Sonya said the softness in her voice doing little to hide the fact that it was an order. The woman sat and slumped in her seat. Sonya slipped into the seat next to her and rest her elbow on the counter, looking her over. “You didn’t come here looking for me, did you?”

The woman couldn’t lift her gaze, “N-no, I just… I need a break…” She admitted, turning to look at her glass again and gripping it. She looked like she was about to chug the whole thing down. 

Sonya put her hand over the glass, brushing her thumb over Carla’s hand. The woman blushed furiously, “Easy there,” Sonya said, “No need to go wild, I believe you. Everyone deserves to relax now and then. Why do you think I’m here?”

Carla didn’t move, her eyes fixed on Sonya’s fingers. She was trembling.

Sonya reached up and brushed her raven hair back over her ear, she squeaked but didn’t move, it was cute. Especially how the trembling seemed to ease a little when she realized Sonya was not here to be hostile. She looked up from her drink at Sonya, “I… I didn’t want to do that.”

“I know,” Sonya said, “But you did it anyway. It needs to be your choice, not his.”

Carla shook again and Sonya slipped her hand down to play with her fingertips, squeezing one a little and tilting her head. “You feel bad about it?”

Shame crossed the woman’s face, a flush, embarrassment, but also something else that Sonya hadn’t quite expected but certainly didn’t hate. Her eyes glazed over a little and she bit her lip as Sonya pinched down on her fingertip. Sonya tilted her head a bit lower to look into Carla’s eyes. Her other hand moved from the woman’s ear to her back, then slid down to her waist. Carla shivered, biting her lip harder. Sonya’s lip quirked, “You gotta say something or I’ll stop being affectionate. I don’t want to tease an unwilling party.”

Carla gasped as Sonya began to pull her hands away. She looked like she was about to shout something but managed to barely reign herself in.

“I was … I was bad,” Carla said shakily, her eyes getting a little wider, a little more unfocused, but what did it for Sonya was the small, barely noticeable, hint of a smile on the woman’s lips.

I had a feeling you were a sub. Sonya thought and returned her hand to the woman’s back, her hand once more on top of the glass, her fingers running smoothly across Carla’s knuckles. She leaned in and whispered into the woman’s ear. “Do you want to be punished for it?” She asked, not even bothering to disguise the lust in her voice.

Carla was breathing hard now, shaking from something far better than the initial bout of fear. “Y-yes…” She murmured.

“I’m not gentle,” Sonya continued, her lips millimeters away from the woman’s ear. “Are you sure?”

The woman shook again, nodding almost imperceptibly. Holy shit was this doing it for her? Jackpot. She trembled but didn’t speak, caught up in it. Sonya glanced at the bartender who’d approached to check on them and they quickly got the hint, making themselves scarce. “You need to say it, you need to ask me, or I’m not doing anything. I’ll leave right now and I’ll never approach you like this again. No more glares either. You’ll be free of my derision. All is already forgiven. Last chance, Carla. Speak.”

Carla’s ears were as red as tomatoes as she finally managed to force the words out, “Please… Miss Chernovna… take me home and punish me for being a bad girl,” She said breathlessly, her voice barely audible, but loud and clear to Sonya’s enhanced hearing. Sonya felt a thrill rush across her skin, electricity, a pulse in her gut, raw unmitigated excitement.

Sonya grinned, “Stand up.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Carla said and got to her feet, hastily grabbing her purse.

Sonya glanced at the bartender who was looking torn, “Take her drinks out of my tab from now on. Just her drinks, of course.”

She turned to Carla and put a finger beneath her chin, “Lets go, I’m not letting you sleep tonight.”

Carla’s eyes sparkled, “Y-yes!”



Figured I'd release it randomly rather than let it overshadow the proper side-stories on wednesday.

Some BS Deity

Ooh, this is a hot diversion.