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Star Wars Visions 2x5 Reaction

Watch "Star Wars Visions 2x5 Reaction" on Streamable.


Kaji Suzuki

There are characters in SW that "can" use the force but not in the way Jedi and Sith do. Some can see events of the past by touching objects like Cal Kestis does (but FAR BETTER than him, like seeing a TV show in their head) and those like this girl who "predict" the future. I liked his rage, I also liked how he came to terms with both sides of himself, might make him be character like Mace Windu who sits close to the edge. Overall this one is my favorite, however the next 2 are bangers aswell. Though Im most excited to see yall opinion on The Pit since its... something. But we just need more Star Wars animation in general.