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Episode 20 - Hiruko vs. Two Kunoichi!

Breaking the five-seal barrier set off a trap, which now has Team Guy battling amazingly accurate copies of themselves. Back at the Akatsuki hideout, Deidara and Sasori struggle to take the Nine-Tail Jinchûriki.

Episode 20 - Hiruko vs. Two Kunoichi!

At last, the showdown between the old woman and her grandson begins. Sakura is confused by Sasori’s strange appearance, and Granny Chiyo explains that this is Hiruko…


Naruto Shippuden 1x19-20 Reaction.mp4

Episode 20 - Hiruko vs. Two Kunoichi! Breaking the five-seal barrier set off a trap, which now has Team Guy battling amazingly accurate copies of themselves. Back...



Always here for the jokes discussions 😂 my thoughts: I think you're meant to learn at that moment from Naruto's reaction that his rage doesn't necessarily mean Nine Tails Chakra leaks out like it used too. Though I think they should've used a less major moment to show it, they've been hinting how close Naruto and Gaara are so I can see how it's jarring for Jei to not see him bang out. Kakashi was right not to let Naruto to go, these are Itachi's peers, Naruto has no running in trying to rage like its a 10 year old sasuke fight. To let him fight 5 minutes after though makes no sense. Lacking a bit of consistency there. I agree on the old editing making things feel slow paced, Deidara's flying feels SO slow, literally leaves the cave at 2mph just feels like they watched him leave.


Kakashi goes hard, Joe needs to chill out


Im by no means a 'fan' of the 3rd Hokage, but he was one of the only few ninjas in the world who mastered all 5 chakra natures. Wont say any more about how mad that is because idk how far they go into it. Lets not forget, Hiruzen also fought the 1st and 2nd Hokage at the same time in OG Naruto, beat the former 2 & critically wounded Orochimaru. He is still waste ngl. Editing ruined the pacing of this confrontation pretty badly. Things that should take seconds (Dedara flying out of the cave & Naruto Kakashi chasing him) take an entire episode by cutting away from a more interesting fight.. Sakura finally pulling her weight by fighting an Akastski member is pretty cool though


so the same kakashi that was hospitalized and out of commission for weeks after his last encounter with the akatski and the same people that just took out gaara the kazekage like it was light work these are the people jei wants them to just charge in at lmao.....if this was my hero he'd be saying "nah man you have to understand these man just took a L not too long ago so they just rush in like that" but for any other anime he has absolutely no patience or room for understanding


you guys were talking about the 3rd hokage btw the 4th hokage died and the 3rd had to come back into office