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Episode 11 - The Medical Ninja's Student

Sakura treats a critically ill Kankuro. After extensive training she’s now a full-fledged Medic Ninja, and Sakura amazes everyone with her sure, steady hands.

Episode 12 - The Retired Granny's Determination

Pakkun finds the hideout of the Akatsuki. Team Kakashi and Temari prepare to set out to get Gaara back, but Temari is ordered to stay behind and help guard the village.


Naruto Shippuden Ep1x11-12 Reaction.mp4

Episode 11 - The Medical Ninja's Student Sakura treats a critically ill Kankuro. After extensive training she's now a full-fledged Medic Ninja, and Sakura...



Sakura finally doing something useful rather than say Sasuke's or Naruto's name the whole episode🙏 also, you didnt start with Kakashi Gaiden (119 & 120) like the manga did,so there are things you dont know about him. We will get there eventually but i hate to agree that Kakashi at this point is pretty washed... was he always? Will he stay washed? We will have to wait and see 👀


Nothing about kakashi is washed fool. Losing to Itachi who many would argue is the baddest of the show is not some horrible showing. Keep up


The last substantial thing we saw Kakashi do was fight Zabuza.. in the first arc.. so its not unrealistic to have expected more from him by this point. I've seen the series and know what he is capable of. Im just agreeing with Jeis opinion on where he's at right now. Lets not start being rude to people over opinions on an anime.. bit weird


Really recommend you boys reacting to gangs of London reckon you boys would love it


Orochimaru also put the fear of god in kakashi during the chunin exams and I get it that he’s a Sanin but Kakashi was shook beyond belief lol…so the viewpoint is valid, he’s more hype then substance right now


You boys needa react to gangs of London just saw s2 ep 1 and rahhhhhhhteddddd please say your doing it ?