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The Eye

Survivors of a cataclysm try to find safety; the Harfoots confront evil; Durin is torn between friendship and duty; Adar considers a new name.


Rings Of Power 1x7 Reaction.mp4

The Eye Survivors of a cataclysm try to find safety; the Harfoots confront evil; Durin is torn between friendship and duty; Adar considers a new name.



Bro Sam, Legolas was violating physics in the Hobbit movies. ESPECIALLY the third movie. And tbh as exaggerated as it was then, its justified because in the books, legolas can kill a fly from yards out with an arrow, and Galadriel has more years, training and wars worth on Legolas, she's literally one of the GOAT elves ever. If anything, the show hasn't made her anywhere near as OP as she actually is.


I think his problem is more that she’s the only OP elf, Legolas is OP but when we see other elves in LoTR and more so in the Hobbit all of the elves are nice too


Bro rewatch the hobbit, the only elf who was on Legolas level was his own father. And just watch this clip to see how OP Legolas was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ZYzbKaVyQ None of the elves were moving anywhere near as mad as this. And in this show, the only other elves we've seen were Galadriel's subordinates in the first episode, Arondir and the other watchtower elves. None of these guys should be on her level to begin with, they lack the years on her. We've yet to see King Gil-Galad in combat since he's just been ruling, and he's been around for a while just like Galadriel, so definitely expect him to be OP.


I’m not saying they have to be on her level, cause nobody was on Legolas’ either, but besides Arandir the rest of the elves in this have been portrayed as scrubs, Aragorn and Gimlee aren’t even elves but they didn’t feel like scrubs next to Legolas, if I’m Galadriel my subordinates better be nice too and if they aren’t I’m training them to be cause if not Sauron back handing all of them besides her if they found him. Tauriel and the other elves in the hobbit held their own especially Tauriel and she’s way younger then Legolas and his father


Gimli's a dwarf and the son of one of the few dwarves who were crazy enough to go into a mountain with a dragon inside. Aragorn literally has elf blood in him and is 87 years old in LOTR, he's peak human and arguably the GOAT human. Plus he was raised by Elrond who right now isn't one of the best warriors but goes on to be at that level. "if I’m Galadriel my subordinates better be nice too and if they aren’t I’m training them to be cause if not Sauron back handing all of them besides her if they found him" This is the only example you got, and it doesn't work because it was a frost troll. They're meant to be legit some of the toughest creatures for most ordinary elves. Meanwhile the elves in the Hobbit were fighting random orcs who elves have shown little problem dealing with in this show (unless theyre in chains). "Tauriel and the other elves in the hobbit held their own especially Tauriel and she’s way younger then Legolas and his father" Your talking about elves from the woodland realm, these lot are way more violent to begin with, so for an average elf there they need to be nice. On the other hand, Galadriel has been leading a team of elves who haven't been seeing much combat because they've been on a wild goose chase.


I agree with some of your points and disagree with others but the fact that you have to explain all this and the show doesn’t explain anything is the problem


Galadriel has only fought a snow troll, 3 young lads and some orcs.. she hasnt done anything to be called OP. She isnt.. shes just good. Legolas is a prime example of what not to do with an elf.. remember when he took down a rampaging Oliphant with 3 arrows? No personality & OP af. She is finally living the consequences of her actions amd I think her giving her sword to Theo was her giving up the pursuit. Also "i never saw him again after that"... yeah so he's alive somewhere 😂 It makes sense why she was so pissed, Sauron took her brother and seemingly her husband too, thatd make any of us lose our minds.


The show doesn't need to explain anything. The problem is you're going into it with pre-conceived notions of how strong the average elf is massively inflated because of how the elves are in the Hobbit movies. Those are woodland elves, Gandalf specifically points this out to Bilbo that these lot are on way more crud. LOTR elves outside of Legolas were seen fighting in large armies. An average woodland elf is beating on the average elf from Lindon. But the show doesn't need to explain this because we haven't seen a woodland elf.


I have no pre conceived notions I’ve always known they made Legolas way too OP and went overboard, the show doesn’t have to explain Elves from different territories and what they’ve gone through, but they need to explain why this Galadriel is way more OP then the other elves in this show which they haven’t were just forced to accept it there is no Gandalf to explain. I know why she is but many others don’t, Sam isn’t the only one and that can be off putting to viewers


"but they need to explain why this Galadriel is way more OP then the other elves" The same way they need to explain why Legolas was so clear of everyone in LOTR? We don't. Here's what we know of elves - they're basically immortal and some are way older than others. Episode 1 establishes Galadriel as being super old, to the point where she says there wasn't even a sunrise in her childhood. All of those years and how much training do we think she got in comparison to the average elf?


Legolas is the only elf we constantly see in LoTR so no they didn’t, he is this explanation plus we knew he was son of the king so we expected him to be nice just like Arargorn. It isn’t until two towers we see that elves are good fighters, but Legolas on another level. We were told Galadriel is old but we don’t know about her subordinates so you can’t say they haven’t been through anything either, and they’re not just immortal they are superhuman, we just saw Galadriel swim for miles in the open ocean like it was a walk in the park. And if you don’t want pre conceived notions, then don’t attach yourself to the IP you can’t blame people for that, that’s not how it works.


"plus we knew he was son of the king" Not said once in LOTR but we see him doing OP stuff regardless. In fact we barely get any backstory on Legolas to begin with so good job making that up. "but we don’t know about her subordinates so you can’t say they haven’t been through anything either" If they're shown to be weaker than her, then its clear they have been through less. What do you expect? Everyone to announce their power levels or something when introduced? Doesn't it make more sense to show said levels to see where they stand in a fight against a strong monster? This is a classic case of you expecting a story to spoonfeed you rather than tell you through visuals. "we just saw Galadriel swim for miles in the open ocean like it was a walk in the park." You're talking about an elfs natural physical ability, not their skill in actual combat with a sword or a bow that would be honed through through what is up to thousands of years. "And if you don’t want pre conceived notions, then don’t attach yourself to the IP you can’t blame people for that, that’s not how it works." You've been getting exposed for lack of LOTR knowledge so don't know why you're bringing up "IP" like you've been paying attention to said IP to begin with. At first you were saying this is about the show needing to explain something, but now its the IP established something so we should expect things of characters and the different races. Based on that, watch the battle for Helms Deep and see how the elves weren't even that much more amazing than the humans except for Legolas. You're acting like power levels are consistent in the LOTR universe like Bilbo Baggins was killing orcs with a sword but his nephew Frodo with the same sword was getting dunked on every fight. Or how Gandalf was going 1v1 with Sauron but got posterised by the Witchking of Angmar - or how the witch king of angmar lost to a random human and hobbit. Please please please just admit you're not that plugged in.


I don’t see how I’m I getting exposed the only thing I was wrong is they didn’t mention Legolas being son of elven king which i mistaken for the hobbit, and I already said the elves at helms deep were not on Legolas level but either way I don’t care I shouldnt have to have LOTR knowledge to understand or enjoy the show, my point has only been you having to explain all this and show doesn’t show it to us in their own way is bad storytelling. I don’t think the LoTR is perfect and I’m not the biggest fan but I enjoyed some of the movies and they were much better than this. I didn’t say any of the stuff you just said at the end your just making stuff up now, I’m not acting like power levels are consistent, my point is Galadriel and Arandir seems to be the only elf that can fight, her subordinates didn’t need to beat the snow troll but they didn’t even put up a fight, not a single scratch, same thing with the elves with Arandir that’s not entertaining to watch. Aragorn is 87 and trained by Elrond is dicing up orcs but Elves who have lived hundreds of years and trained, maybe not by Elrond but still they can’t even put up a fight and Galadriel walks away scrathcless? To me it just sounds like you’re making excuses


"my point has only been you having to explain all this and show doesn’t show it to us in their own way is bad storytelling" So we're flipflopping again from expectations about the IP to needing explanations? You realise you've lost on both arguments?


I never flip flopped once, I said IP one time at the very end of one response it wasn’t even my main point, I only said that as a counter to you saying I have pre conceived notions which I said I didn’t in the first place, but you can’t get mad at people if they do have them, Amazon did that to themselves by making a show based off Tolkien. The soccer player who wears #10 or #7 knows there is expectations that come with that and people will judge him fairly or unfairly because of that. And you can say I lost if that makes you feel better cause you’re clearly enjoying the show, but the majority aren’t so the storytelling maybe isn’t as great as you think it is. Shows like GoT, Westworld or Breaking bad didn’t spoon feed shit, they just have better writers which ROP is lacking. ROP is the one who spoon feeds, the only thing is it’s about shit we don’t compare about or don’t contribute to the story.