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Episode 128 - A Cry on Deaf Ears

With the Curse Mark covering half his body, Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke of old. Naruto charges at this new Sasuke who has turned his back on his closest comrades.

Episode 129 - Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha

Naruto tries desperately to change Sasuke's mind, but Sasuke is determined to go to Orochimaru. He tells Naruto that in order to surpass his brother, Itachi, power and hatred are necessary.


Naruto 128-129 Reaction

Episode 128 - A Cry on Deaf Ears With the Curse Mark covering half his body, Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke of old. Naruto charges at this new Sasuke who has turned...


Revstarallstar .

Jei been waiting a for answers to questions since ep1 and he aint getting none for a while. Hate Naruto for that but appreciate they attempt to build lore


The post reaction discussions are jokes 🤣 Think Jei gonna be hella satisfied with explanations when they arrive.


yeah itachi's motives get deeeeeeep all the way into shippuden

Jason Christopher Dailey

The next few episodes someone is about to lose their shit, I can't wait for Joe's reaction


Glad Joe picked up on how interesting Itachi is.. Levels is all im saying Btw have you guys decided on a viewing order or shippuden? Most reactors watch a specific arc before starting but idk if you guys are doing that


Guys, shippudden is where you will get all the answers and I think you will start to like naruto on that series...his arc gets very interesting


Perhaps closer to the date we'll check out the viewing order. Could be similar to what we're doing right now, without the fillers.