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Following the character of Elena Yo-Yo Rodriguez, an Inhuman with the ability to move with super-speed, as she struggles to balance the restrictions of the recently instituted Sokovia Accords.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot Reaction

Following the character of Elena Yo-Yo Rodriguez, an Inhuman with the ability to move with super-speed, as she struggles to balance the restrictions of the recently...



Do you boys no when stranger things ep 4 is coming out lads. Smashing it too lately boys !

Revstarallstar .

Damn i thought this was a new ep i got gassed

Cactus (Karen)

Dang, I thought we were getting a new AoS episode not the sling shot. This was as important as the One-Shots to the MCU. I remember being pissed when took the place of an episode when it was on tv. Can’t wait until the next actual episode reaction!


Yo Yo is a great character & say what you will about the agents killing and not killing but I feel now they all especially Mack try to do the Spider-Man thing of not killing in cold blood, even tho Spidey doesn’t kill at all they’ll kill in self defense but not in cold blood


Yeah not here for this. Don’t even consider these really part of aos


Yeah this aint it. I would've preferred 20 mins of FitzSimmons arguing, over whatever this was.


All this was filler for the time gap between the 1st and 2nd pod


You man could have done this short and the actual episode at the same time given how quick it was but yeah this doesn't really contribute anything to the overall plot of agents of shield. Honestly you guys could have skipped this and you wouldn't have missed anything. And don't worry this was the only character short they made so you don't have worry about reacting to anymore in the future. Not that you should.