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In the Name of Honor

Boba Fett and Fennec Shand face an escalating conflict.


The Book Of Boba Fett Chapter 7 Reaction

In the Name of Honor Boba Fett and Fennec Shand face an escalating conflict.



It ends on a strong note


So Raven doesn't want to do is job how convenient


People saying that it was fine for Mando to have exclusive back to back episodes in a Boba series are looking real dumb right now. This finale proves a severe lack of build-up and all of that space Episode 5 and 6 took up has resulted in nothing worthwhile. What was even the point of separating Grogu and Din Djarin in the S2 finale if they get back together this quickly? Dead writing.


yeah this episode wasn’t that great in my opinion just lacked a lot especially the fight scenes ....i’m not expecting it to be john wick but it was off ...then a big droid fight is the main boss ? then we’re gonna squeeze cad bane in at the end for 5 mins ...yoo lol idk about this one


The tubes on Cad were to stop him from being force choked after he was one time after being sent after a jedi, plus it helps him breathe in space.. not that it matters now that hes dead 😭😂


Funnily enough, all of the episodes directed by Robert Rodriguez were the worst ones. Seems like they started shooting the show, realized they weren't going to have a deep enough story, shoved in Mando and ended up with this. Shoulda just made the whole show flashbacks.


No way Bane is dead. You hear the beeping on his chest as the camera holds on his body. He’ll be back.


Also saw an error in editing (42 minutes in, when the rancor is about to kill the second bot, it's shown with both arms even though one got ripped off). Usually not a big deal but I think it shows some sloppiness and/or lack of detail going on here

Michael Nemo

Robert Rodriguez needs to stay FAR FAR AWAY from Star Wars. This was a terrible episode imo.


This episode didn’t quite hit every note, but there were some gems for sure. Din sticking to the creed despite being banished hit hard, showed his character, and a great exchange between him and Boba about what they each stand for. The Rancor lived up to the hype, epic. However, inconsistent editing and a general A-Team feel where none of the good guys die took the teeth out of it. Glad Luke didn’t show up to save the day. At least they didn’t push the Jedi easy-button to solve all the problems. I have no idea how they justify having all Mod-squad surviving. Hoping Mando Season 3 and both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan shows have more consistency throughout. Not totally disappointed, but this isn’t on par with seasons 1 and 2 of the Mandalorian.


Man’s on vacation, right? Allow it, they work hard. Hope Joe and Sam get some down time too.


No shot he's dead. The light on his chest was blinking.


Hmmmm. Not sure about this one. I’ve watched it twice now. As a series, in completion, this doesn’t work. But as individual episodes of SW they’re great. Unforgettable moments, and beautiful pay offs at times, but ultimately, as a story I’m still unsure what I watched or why? And more importantly I don’t really care what happens next. What are the stakes? Where does this fit in the wider SWU and why was this important for us to see? Because for the life me it makes no sense. It’s brilliant, but I don’t understand where they’re going and sadly I don’t really think they do either. Beyond having an excuse to do cool SW things and introduce and then summarily kill, great characters, what challenges face any of our main protagonists? Din and Grogu are just hooning around space for kicks, Boba’s eating fruit and babysitting a bunch of kids with shit bikes, and has a completely redundant attaché of lethal sidekicks with f*ck all to do but exchange crap dialogue. Really, will someone explain if I’ve missed something here. We’re back to Tatooine in a few weeks I guess to catch up on Kenobi. I know desert is accessible in California but can we please, go to another planet soon? It’s like that planet is the only place anything ever happens in the entire galaxy.


Yall needa put respect on Fennac name remember she is A Master Class Assassin they said she was the best so her doing that at the end is light weight . Do yall not remember wat she was on in bad batch .