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A special celebrating the origins and legacy of Star Wars' legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett.


Under the Helmet- The Legacy of Boba Fett Reaction

A special celebrating the origins and legacy of Star Wars' legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett.



Joe moving maud. Drop the info bout the shirt because I need that!


Thumbnail fire


I LOVE videos like this, really plugs me into Star Wars on another level. There’s the element of being plugged in lore wise but getting to see the bts, the creative process and just how much the creators love what they’ve made/are making is just next level.


Tbh I never looked at Boba Fett as like the baddest Bounty Hunter. Like J said, seen more of Cad Bane to know he’s all trouble. Boba just has the longer Star Wars history and reputation as one of the best but we’ve rarely seen it on screen. Back in the day I was more-so plugged into the history of Mandalore, the war, it’s encounters with Jedi, Sith and most notable Revan’s activities there. It was only when I saw Jango in the prequel trilogy on Camino I thought “hmm Bounty Hunters are kinda sick”. Boba was still just a yoot but there was that energy when he opened the door to Obi Wan and mean mugged him while leading him to his dad lol I was like bruh this yoot has crud in his bones 😂 The Clone Wars progressed his character but we’ve never really seen him in his prime, peak performance except maybe in The Mandalorian when he showed up older? Ehh idk. Like they said in the video. His helmet and mysteriousness has been his ting so gonna be nice seeing his trials and tribulations in the show to get a better understanding of him much like we got to understand Din Djarin in the Mandalorian