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So This Is Christmas?

Clint and Kate's partnership is tested as they face the consequences of exposing the conspiracy.


Hawkeye Ep6 Reaction

So This Is Christmas? Clint and Kate's partnership is tested as they face the consequences of exposing the conspiracy.


joe shmoe

idk why they had to do the kingpin thing here, if its really a reference to the comics where she blinds him. why not put that in her show? im supposed to care about kazi, who has been a bum every time hes on screen? clint and kate seemed like they were fighting horde mode on the rink, with all the gaps between waves where they could have tried to get away. smh i swear all of these D+ shows have to have SOMETHING in the ending that makes it terrible. they need to step up their game with these shows, imo


The show has problems, but I’m with Sam, I loved how Kate took down Fisk, felt just the right amount of comic book. Fisk, Maya and potentially Matt Murdock in the Echo series is definitely going to be more brutal than this dumb Christmas Show about a Young Avenger ever was going to be.


So the watch said 19 on the back with the Shield logo so is it safe to assume that clints wife was Agent 19 at Shield? If so then it does decanonise something to the MCU. I wont say what in case you guys dont want to know but just google Agent 19s real name if you do. Kinda sad. How did they nerf and buff Kingpin at the same time 😂 We would never forgive Yelena if she killed Clint but they went about it all wrong. Some good things in the finale but most of it was dead. The reaction to the post credit scene was worth it though 😂


Don’t stress, Bobbi never once uses the Agent 19 or Mockingbird alias’ in AOS. If you google/look at the original concept art and name Feige signed off on back in the day it just says “Agent Bobbi Morse” They 100% separated the two for the MCU because they had plans.


Happy Holidays to you man


Fisk ain't dead. Hiz story will continue in Echo. I liked this show, cheese and all.


This ting was a cringefest i can't lie 🤣 i spent the whole series hoping to start taking Hawkeye seriously, just to find his final adversary was a tree 😂


For me I liked the show I just wanted to see Fisk be more brutal but with him having lost some of his empire cause of the snap and such they should have just fucking said that shit in this episode. Disney made pirates of the carbbean for God sake up the anti like those films. I liked Clint & Kate’s dynamic & I hope to see more of Fisk interact with other marvel characters


na joes face at the end has me rolling


where did sam get that jumper??? i have to know.


the ending lmao


Yeah dude I’m with you on this, more Fisk context was needed but I really liked what they did with him. He really feels like the 99% Muscle/Armoured Clothing tank he is in the comics. D’Onofrio killed it as always, and I’m 100% certain he’ll be more brutal in Echo. 👊🏼 (Want him Vs. Spidey SO BAD now too.) As an introduction to Kate the show did a great job, she’s not for everyone (clearly 😅) but she’ll be fun on whatever team she ends up on.

che n straker

The writer of episode 6 should be executed expeditiously. The disrespect to kingpin and yelena. They expecting us to believe Helena can't get past kate faster than that. 🙄🙄


Well Yelena wasn’t trying to seriously Kate lol you that right ? Yelena likes Kate they were okay fighting it wasn’t a serious task for Yelena


Overall I like the show. It could be way better though. Bringing Yelena and Kingpin earlier on would have been a better move I think. I don't mind Kate "cheating" Kingpin of a win but she should have a cast on one of her limbs and some broken ribs... something. That's what fell for me. Both Yelena and Kingpin could pull punches if they chose too but they both have a standard for when they're on job.... I'm not mad just bummed. I'm fine with the whole christmas thing it worked for emotional beats with Clint and his family motivation(s), etc... I'm fine with Kate's ability level and her having solid moves but she needs to take HARD L's to earn her hero spot and I personally enjoy/don't mind all of her character except for her not fully earning her hero mantle yet. She needs to lose and lose hard. Kingpin needs to use prison connects and kill her mom. It just needs to be done. This show while fun and hilarious is missing that full on cruddy darker edge and it's got the characters to go there and they tease it ever so slightly but don't cross over into it fully which if they do a movie or season 2 they need to tap into that. It's fine/good but it deserves to be great and it's missing the stuff to make it great.


Yelena and Clint "fight" was rough. A real fight with some of that emotional conversation ending with a I'll let you live but I'll never be your friend like she was would have been way better. If that happened, Kate does what she does but gets absolutely battered and messed up by Fisk, her mom gets taken out in prison... all that would have made this a great finale instead of a "fine" one. Like I like it but I'm not elated and it doesn't meet my expectations in those spots so it's a mixed bag for me.

Brandon Gonzales

It’s crazy Fam and it pisses me off that I was so so excited for the Witcher’s reaction and instead we get no reaction cause y’all to busy eating and to bored and y’all on y’all’s phones and not even focusing on the story and show compared to here y’all ant doing none of that and it’s a different vibe which I don’t appreciate and Jesus Christ if y’all bored of the Witcher why watch it for in the first place and I’m using Witcher for a example

che n straker

The show put Yelena on a path of revenge and she fucked it up. She aint really want to kill that man. Waste of a story. Worst assassin ever.


Don’t worry kingpin will come back, in Daredevil Vol. 2 #15 I think, Echo shoots Kingpin but he doesn’t die. His eyes are just injured but he survives.


This episode was trash smh they watered down our boy kingpin


How was he watered down ? He’s the same guy if anything he has super strength in the MCU lol. Vincent Denofrio even said he’s playing the same character and kingpin ain’t dead it’s a comic thing Maya just blinded him


Being defeated by Kate bishop was what I mean by watered down. He seemed more deadly via daredevil on Netflix but I get it, it’s Disney. The actor was great. And yes I know he’s not dead.. I’m aware of what happened in the comics.


We need to be looking at it like the comics: In Daredevil books Fisk is brutal, in Spiderman books he’s a tank. Same character, different angle. The MCU is doing the same shizz, Hawkeye the show is the PG Spiderman stuff, the Echo show’s probably going to lean more into the more brutal stuff like Netflix Daredevil. (Kate Vs Wilson was a great comic book fight imo, would have liked her to be more visibly battered afterwards, but in my view she earned the “W”)


Fisk isn't dead. They're probs just going by the comic when he went blind by the gunshot. He'll be back soon.