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Ep.2 - Venus Pop

While chasing a bounty on a one-handed Venusian bomber, Jet and Spike grapple with rising interpersonal tensions, exacerbated by Spike's secret past.


Cowboy Bebop Ep2 Reaction

Ep.2 - Venus Pop While chasing a bounty on a one-handed Venusian bomber, Jet and Spike grapple with rising interpersonal tensions, exacerbated by Spike's secret past.



show just got canceled lol


It kinda sucks, there’s solid moments where this show absolutely whips ass. The editing really lets the show down in the fights, but when they do nail it they nail HARD.


I hope you guys see this comment, just so you know a fun fact: the blonde girl at the end who gets choked out by that guy is the same actress who plays that asgardian goddess of love (lorelei) from agents of shield season 1 who f**ks ward and manipulated him