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Ep.4 - Devils You Know

Having reluctantly agreed to share information with Rosalind and the ATCU, Coulson and the team search for the Inhuman who is killing other Inhumans; May feels that Hunter's mission to take down Ward is getting too personal.


Agents Of Shield S3 Ep4 Reaction

Ep.4 - Devils You Know Having reluctantly agreed to share information with Rosalind and the ATCU, Coulson and the team search for the Inhuman who is killing other Inhumans; May feels that Hunter's mission to take down Ward is getting too personal.



Damn this episode was good I hope Andrew ain’t dead I liked him a lot something must’ve happened though cause that kid looked scared running out, liked all the ATCU stuff vs shield and just seeing Coulson vs Rosalin I think they’d be a cute couple


Where's the reaction to episode 3?




I hope Joe gets a chance to show someone else Agents one day, cause watching his analytical theorising is so damn fun, especially knowing what’s coming, and I just hope he gets to enjoy that feeling too one day. 😅


Anyway, fire reaction as always! Ok so I PROMISE this is not spoilery or telling you too much AT ALL, but you’ll wanna be priming those crazy powerful TCN MCU Knowledge neurones soon: You guys used the word “Recontextualizing” a few reviews back and OH BOY is there a big one coming. Up until this season there’s only been like little add-ons to MCU, ie. Fury’s toolbox etc, but in an episode coming they up their game BIG TIME in a way that slips past some more casual viewers. (Which you ain’t) They straight up casually reveal something that says “You know that moment from that iconic movie, well that shit has a BIG FUCKING HIDDEN LAYER that we’ve kept totally quiet till now!” I’m so fucking hyped for the moment one of you realises the IMPLICATIONS. Eyes open and MCU memories primed, you will be rewarded. 💪🏼


I agree I showed it to my dad a few months ago and he loved it one of my favorite written marvel tv shows other than Daredevil

Stephen Walker

Joe is NOT ready for what is coming. I love his theories though