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The Dirty Half Dozen

Gonzales and Coulson must find a way to put their differences aside and work together against HYDRA, even if it means teaming up with someone they don't trust.


Agents of Shield S2 Episode 19 Reaction

The Dirty Half Dozen Gonzales and Coulson must find a way to put their differences aside and work together against HYDRA, even if it means teaming up with someone they don't trust.



Ahhhhhhh the tie ins are gold this episode!!


Not gonna lie, this is one of the episode I was most excited for you to watch when you started Agents of SHIELD. You reaction did not disappoint!

Eric Wilson

This ep was released on april 28, 2015 and later that week on may 1 age of ultron came out.

joe shmoe

i go back and forth between whos my favorite character, ward or fitz. usually its ward though lmao


This and the next ep are some of my all timer episodes for Shield. Glad to see you man are loving it


A bakers dozen is 13 not 12, Sam 😅

Connie Tsang

every week when i get my email that the reaction is up i always peek at the thumbnail to determine if you guys will enjoy the episode or not. was brutal having to wait 12 hours to watch this! it's getting realllll good. i knew back in season 1 when you guys weren't really into ward that things would change LOL. also love that the 3 new/ "weaker" agents skye, fitz and simmons in just season 2 has already had so much growth!


i like how when agent colson said "you can hold on to that till fury asks for it back" it kinda showed that fury trust colson more then that old dude even tho this whole time its been about if we can trust colson


Joe you are right about ward. He is the G.O.A.T. the greatest character on this show. Not villain, character. And even as villain he deserves to be in the top ten mcu villains. Maybe even top 5

Matty B.

I love Hot Pockets. Do they not have them in UK?