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Journey Into Mystery

Loki tries to escape The Void, a desolate purgatory where he meets variant versions of himself.


Loki Ep5 Reaction

Journey Into Mystery Loki tries to escape The Void, a desolate purgatory where he meets variant versions of himself.



I've been looking forward to this!


Welcome to the multiverse brudda


Anyone else notice the side of Avengers Tower said Kang Industries 👀


Raven you should check out the mith of Narcissus, the guy literally fell in love with his own reflection. That's where the word narcissistic comes from.


This episode had some ups and down for me, some cool ideas but some lines where so dumb... "You go I go" what is this, Titanic?


YO!! Was the ship that was firing on the "Goliath" creature, did that ship get lost in the Bermuda Triangle?? It looked like it was from the 1950's. 🤔🙃 That would be crazy if "this" reality is where ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle and where people get abducted by Aliens on their spaceship. How crazy would the MCU be for dat?!


Sorry , but I have to respond to this. What if you met a female version of yourself, and knew it, would you be annoyed and disgusted or would you think that you've met the finest Woman in your life?? It's more than just being a Narcissist, that just means you love Yourself above all, but a Female version of you, that you can physically touch, is a whole nether level!! Raven made a good point, it might be a whole new thing for some people... LMAO!! It's Crazy Fam!! 🤣


aye if the female version of me is from a different timeline/universe, im defs tappin that ass.


Joe and Raven always start these vids looking angry with eachother. Sam looked like he was gonna pop off during the credits lol. Epic episode.


episodes was great a little surprised by the reaction