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Our forgetfulness is your bonus, captors and captorettes!  We didn't post one of these yesterday, so you get em both today!  We have, for your viewing pleasure, this month's Interrogation Room, as well as the VR Wallpaper!

As it always goes with the Interrogations, don't forget to pick your choice for next victim here , and the next method of interrogation over here! 

See you with the BOUND comic page tomorrow!





Those are both gorgeous pieces - both girls look pretty incredible here, having all manner of gorgeous, getting a good ride each in their own way. LOVE that gag on Taylor, might be the best part of them both, for me! XD


I have to second Aidenke's comment, both stunning pieces. And you never fail to impress on your use of duct tape.

The Phoenix King

Nicely done! The Sansa piece in particular is excellent, really love the use of colour there.