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Greetings and Happy....Thursday, captors and captorettes!  Whoopsies, we spaced and forgot to post the Gag Bust yesterday as planned, but we just remembered, and better late than never!

Ironically, this week's winner was Kathryn, from the game: Singularity!  Don't forget to post (like me) your comments and suggestions for next week in the comments, and we'll see you tomorrow!





I'd like to nominate Supergirl, gagged with a really large ballgag that's a little bigger than she was expecting and wrapped up in some red-sun powered metal straps/cuffs and a collar. Her cape could be open, but maybe a hint of her top torn to suggest she's a bit exposed at the moment... And as for this week's - she looks great there with the nice, smooth tape-gag!


Katheryn looks great! I'll once again nominate Bayonetta from Bayonetta 2 in honor of the first game releasing on PC. I'd love to see Bayonetta blushing (She's usually the dom, after all), and looking quite troubled by the black ballgag in her mouth. The ballgag has the platinum games logo.


I like how this turned out a lot! I'm going to suggest again Scarlett Johansson from Ghost in a shell with a clear panel gag!


8D Came out great except she's not from Dead Space :P She's from a shooter that did meh called Singularity


Once again I nominate Azula <a href="http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/721000/721350_1305766441472_full.jpg?v=1305766818" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/721000/721350_1305766441472_full.jpg?v=1305766818</a> from Avatar with her hair let down and gagged with a metal and red leather panel with only the nose strap since the Equalists have tattooed her forehead with their symbol. I think Jack's gag bust would be the closest thing I have to reference for this. Instead of the latex section over the mouth, the material would be metal to hold back fire. I also liked how the metal was interwoven with the leather in that image.


I'll nominate Trishka from Bulletstorm, possibly cleave gagged

Mister Sham

Just gonna put this idea out there, could we see the new Battlefront 2 protagonist, Iden Versio, <a href="https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8346817/SWBFII_Reveal_Screenshot_3_SP.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8346817/SWBFII_Reveal_Screenshot_3_SP.jpg</a> ? her tape gag would be a silver wraparound with alittle tape over the top of her nose like this. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/2iEjPx2.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/2iEjPx2.jpg</a> and since lip prints are all the rage, could you make the tape a sort of stretch material, so we could see her lips printing through?