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We're going back to Fantasy Land!!

While working on a comic project for a client/good friend, I couldn't help but notice how much more fun it felt to work on fantasy characters in a simpler, more animated cel-style.  After BOUND's latest chapter came to a conclusion, I figured  - for funsies - let's see how the Entangled crew looked with a fresh coat of animation-style paint!  I decided to keep it interesting for the fans by turning these "redesigns" into first drafts for what will eventually be full character profiles. I have to say I kinda dig them. Keeping the style simpler will be great for a lot of artistic choices, moving forward, and it's good to have some variety in your technique, I think!

Before we dive back into "Where Last We Left Off...", I think it'll be fun to do some pinups of the girls, first as we've seen them in the past, then maaaybe some one-off backstory shorts to get a better understanding of the girls, and yes, all in the new cel-style.  I think - as each pinup comes out - there will be iterations and subtle changes to the overall look, cause what's discovery without a little "experimentation" now and then?

Anyway, I hope you like the redesigns! I can't wait to start getting them into some more devious situations again! 

Don't forget to follow the Twitter, Discord, and Picarto to see what we're up to, as we're getting up to it!  Stay devious!





Wow. Awesome work! Really love the Nilly design in particular!


Damn Sneak, not gonna lie, that is a really nice cel shade style. The girls all look great in it and it has a very nice and satisfying appeal to it, at least for me. Would be very down to see it more to see how it works for you!


Zee likes breathplay... giggity >:D Really liking the additional backstories to these. fleshes out the characters nicely and makes them a little relatable.


ros is looking nice…very well endowed.. 👀




Ros and Nilly are looking great! The only thing I am not sure about on them are the "tri dot" freckles on their cheeks, they look a bit too stylized and unnatural. Zee's new look is awesome, I love the more pronounced Greek nose on her. I did prefer her "blue-blooded" though, with dark blue lips, nipples and other bits. I definitely liked Vyra's original outfit more. This one doesn't feel very fitting for a fairly classic fantasy setting and has a bit too much of a "modern" vibe. Otherwise, she's great! Her features are a little less feminine in comparison to the previous design but I don't mind the shift at all.


Thanks for the feedback! I tried giving them more scattered freckles like before, but they came off very distracting, and with the cel-shaded style, these just kinda worked for the time being. Maybe I'll come up with some alternative ideas down the line, we're gonna be iterating as the pinups come along!


hello sorry if I'll write next in my natural language, in French, English is difficult to use for me c'est sympa de voir la volonté de se perfectionner et de s'améliorer C'est toujours plaisant de voir un dessinateur tenter et essayer des nouvelles choses sans vouloir rester bloquer dans un style c'est vraiment bien que vous vouliez vous diversifier et avoir "plusieurs cordes à votre arc"