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As I'm sure most of you remember, we ran a Content Poll about 2 weeks ago, and the response was super enlightening!  I want to take a second to shout out everyone who contributed to the poll: Your assistance helps me ensure I'm putting out the content you want to see!  

As it stands, the results were about 65-35% in favor of bondage featuring rougher, non-con themes, which actually makes me more comfortable to approach darker, more mature subject matter in future content, so I'm pleased to know that I perhaps don't have to tread as carefully as I might've in the past.  That being said, 35% in favor of consensual content, as well as content featuring less or no smut at all, is not at all inconsequential, and I appreciate the honesty from the masses with regards to their personal preferences!  Rest assured, I have not taken the poll as a sign I should abolish any particular kind of content.  It all merely helps me keep mental notes on what I should be emphasizing moving forward, and in what doses.

Which brings me to my second, equally important question for y'all: What do you come to Sneak to see? This is a critical question for me because - though we've definitely switched gears pretty consistently over 8 years - we've actually not changed too much about the month-to-month content output in quite some time.  Fearing stagnation, I want to ensure any changes moving forward are based on what you enjoy!

Do you enjoy reading my comics? Maybe you only enjoy reading certain comics? Maybe you don't care about my personal content at all, and are just here to check out the monthly commissions! Maybe it's all gravy, and you just enjoy supporting me as an artist! I wanna know!

Again, I'm gonna set this to one-choice answers, so there's gonna be some broadly generic options here, which will definitely get filtered into more specific polls later on down the line! Also, please feel free to leave comments, those were suuuuper helpful in the first poll, and I'd love your continued personalize input!

Thanks as always for helping keep the dream alive! Stay devious!




Love your personal comics in specific, surprised and enjoy the variety of content overall via comms and polls (the what ifs etc)


75% my commission s/others comms, 25% comics


Here for all of it, and the commission time is very, very appreciated! :D


Definitely here for Everything. There have been things I liked less than others - I definitely miss when bounty boards/interrogation rooms/VR pinups were a monthly thing instead of confined to the commission catalogue. Bound/Entangled have always been projects I respected more than I truly enjoyed, and I do miss when the shorter, nastier comics like Restricted were more common. But I've subbed for the better part of the last 7 years and you can consider me one happy customer.


I'm kinda here for all of it. There's always something in all spaces that makes me go "Yep! that's why I'm here!"


I'm mainly here for comics, but I also greatly enjoy getting access to all the Commission Catalogue that you release. There's tons of fun and creative content from people that you bring to life. And everything in between.


I love the art style, some of the ideas, and a lot of the restraints, though a lot of the more sexual stuff turns me off tbh. Not a great fan of sex scenes or full nudity, but I enjoy the bondage so sticking around for that.


1st, commissions, 2nd, comics, 3rd, commission catalogue, 4th, to support you. Commissions are personally my biggest reason for signing up for a Patreon, and you I think give the best bang for your buck so that's why I stick around. Your style and quality is just honestly probably my favorite of any artist I follow. The comics are number two cause no other artist really does what you do I think, Entangled and BOUND being absolute bangers.


I put "Here for everything" because it's true but that said, I have to say: Entangled might be one of the single best things ever made, no joke. It's far and away my favorite of your stuff, as good as BOUND is. I also miss your old bounty boards.


I remember reading from you at some point in the past you were potentially thinking of making a game? If that idea is still alive I'd put it as my #1 on the poll!


I definitely wanna get back into Entangled sometime soon, might have to be the next big break from BOUND, we'll see!


Video game is all but a pipe dream for the time being. Real life just kinda gets in the way whenever I think about taking time to learn game dev. That being said, it's still a passion of mine, and if free time ever clears up in my schedule, that'd be a priority to figure out.


I definitely agree about the Catalogue! I do wish I had more time to work with individuals, and I'm working on something for that, but I do worry it'll burn more bridges than it builds. Stay tuned for that possible update later this year!


I respect the honesty! Different strokes for different folks, but it's important to know what you like!


I think the last vote on comic options definitely showed me it was okay to put LSoH away for good, but the real shocker was how many came to bat for Restricted over Entangled. Looootta HP nerds out there still simping for Hermione and the girl gang, but TBH I also strongly prefer working on original content.


You like what you like, I respect the honesty! Everyone has different tastes, for sure! Some like bondage for the artistry, others for the association with sex. I do happen to fall into the latter, more often than not, but I also like the buildup the comics offer. Plus, so long as I keep working with clients who share your sentiments, I'm sure there's always gonna be something here for you!


I've been looking at the poll on and off for 24 hours, and I'm now realizing there's virtually no reason not to lump both commission options together. My sub count regularly fluctuates between 400-500, and I only have like, 30-35 commission slots? it makes perfect sense that <10% of my clientele would choose that option, and even less so when they're technically here for all of it XD