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What's up fam!  We took a little time today to update out banner, for the first time in what, 8 years?! Jeez, has it been that long?

I've also been racking my brain as far as future content goes, and it occurred to me that I never put out a Content Poll, like I meant to do for like, almost a year now. Basically, what I'm trying to find out is: What do you like to see, mainly?  Like I said, we've been at this for 8 years, and I've mostly just done my own thing, but I do want to branch out here and there.  Try other stuff, maybe even introduce some new kinks to my content? 

But first things first, I need to get some feedback from you!  What sort of stuff do you come here to see? What am I doing well, and where am I lacking? I have a dozen questions to ask, but for now, I'll keep it simple...

I started this page as a bondage page, and I intend to keep it that way, but I also like to throw in some general smut every now and then. For the most part, I've keep the kink and the sex together, but I want to know what you guys think!  What do you prefer? 

I've got a simple poll here for now, ranging from "I just want bondage with no sex/nudity" all the way to stuff like "I want the hardcore non-con fantasy smut." I'm gonna set this poll to one choice per person, just so I can get an accurate read on what people like. I'm also gonna open this poll to all patrons, so I can gauge what incentivizes people to join/upgrade.

That's pretty much it! I'll do follow up polls after this one, to get a more accurate read on what directions I should take the page, but one step at a time! Thanks for your input, and stay devious!




I lean towards just bondage. Nudity and sex are fun and I do enjoy them, but for me the biggest thing has always just been a bound and gagged babe. I don't mind rough stuff or sex, but it's never gonna be the thing I gravitate towards the most. Consensual bondage is great. If I had to rank the options above I'd put it at Just Bondage 1st, Bondage and Nudity 2nd, Bondage and Consensual 3rd, and Rough Stuff 4th, personally.


It's a tough call lol. After following the content for 7 years, I've found many different things to enjoy that I probably wouldn't have years ago if asked. I voted C but i could easily choose any of the 4. It's really all about context. I love non con scenarios that are a bit safer(feisty heroine gets captured and struggles, but loses)....on the other hand there's nothing better about seeing a "damsel" enjoying the bondage in some kind of role play scenario. It ultimately boils down to what's the gravity of the situation being portrayed. Entangled has really been the best balance out of all of these choices so far, even if I do lean to more softcore stuff that happens in BOUND more often. I can't summarize it better than listing Zee's capture in chp2 or Ash escape challenge with miri (chp 2 vol 1)being my favorite bondage sequences in the comics. -damsel gets captured (con/ or non con) - gradually gets stripped down (partially/or fully - if a scenario does lead to some smutt then it's preferably a scenario the character is DTF


I'm always for bondage, sex and smut, but one of my favorite things is latex and rubber suits, I hope you'll be interested one day if it makes you want to change your art style a bit. ^v^


That's fair. I felt that keeping "con v non-con" bondage sans nudity/sex would muddy the water too much, and make for more divisive voting, but it looks like the votes are clear without it anyway XD


I do like the idea of playing with other fetishes every once in a blue moon. I can't say latex and rubber have been my thing, over the years, but I could totally see a one-off villain attempting to put my OC's in stricter situations, down the line ;)


I mean it's a mixed bag lol I could easily vote all of the above. You can have really rough con bondage scenarios with a character that basically asks for it. ie Vi and Mizuki You can also have fairly rough non con scenarios that don't involve smut but do involve nudity. Personally. there's really no one size fits all answer to this question XD I will say I think Entangled is probably the easier franchise to balance this stuff vs BOUND since it's also story driven and a giant rp game, with a heavier slant towards option D... pun kinda intended :P


Other in I have a preference for bondage focus, but enjoy rough and heavy non con bondage stuff too. Smut and partial nudity to full are all good too.

Captain Maim

I definitely like the like the levels of bondage and noncn you have now, be as rough as you like. I will say I have a need for the heroes to win or escape/be rescued at the end of a story. permanent bad ends are a turn off for me. *Edited to Add: I am here for your storytelling too! I trust your vision.


Some of the sexiest/hottest content you've ever made is Bound Vol 1. Ch 3 (throughout) That level of non-con is perfectly calibrated for me. (Also, shout-out to Vol 1 Epilogue Episode 1-1. Might be my single overall favorite panel!)


Yessir! Everything at the winter lodge is tremendous. Delicious chairtie with non-con elements in Chap 3, but the vibrator forced orgasm/squirting in Chap 4 is *chef's kiss*


Same as the post just above, I consider BOUND Vol1Ch3 to be the top original content you've produced so far. Special shout-outs also go to the scenes with KitKat in BOUND Vol1Ch4, its alternative ending, the boss fight with Zazrag in Entangled and the first two chapters of Restricted. This hints at my preferences which are first and foremost female characters in thorough and secure bondage, second some form of nudity (fully naked, revealing fetish or skimpy clothing or disheveled regular clothes) and third non-con which however doesn't have to be too explicit as long as there is intense peril, predicament, humiliation and objectification or similar story element, I also vastly prefer feminine or monstrous antagonists or inanimate danger to male villains (I enjoyed the Zazrag fight because of the overall story situation, not because of the bugbear). BOUND Vol 2 has been awesome so far storywise and I adore the characters but it has been missing some of the aspects mentioned above. The bondage on Miri for example has been absolutely great but without nudity or any sort of real intense peril. The story build-up however is very promising and kept me hooked, now I am keeping my fingers crossed that we are going to get into something thick soon. Some kind of smut-filled escape attempt, struggle in predicament or revelation would be lovely. My only dilemma is that the main antagonist at the moment seems to be Sarah Simmons and anything even close to incest is a huge turn-off for me. But I love a good sudden twist in a story!


To be honest, I've enjoyed everything you do. That being said, I think I do enjoy the non-con stuff best with a little rough edge. I agree with the rubber mentioned earlier but if that's not your thing I like leather too. Lots of toys/strap-on action and the stricter the situation the better for me!


It's true, I've definitely been building up. And while I can't say I know what would constitute "incest" in your mind, I think I can mostly safely say you have nothing to worry about here.


Been a subscriber on and off since 2016 now (damn I'm getting old). I definitely come for the non-con stuff first and foremost, but I always love getting to see the variety of work you put out every month. Especially over the last year since I've bagged a commission slot. I definitely miss some of the "old ways" (Monthly bounty board/Interrogation room/gag busts) and I'll be the first to say Bound/Entangled aren't really what keeps me subscribed. I kinda like the shorter comic adventures like Restricted because it frees you up to do more in a month and in a year. But that's my two cents; I get a lot for my subscription and I don't want to say that someone else shouldn't get the content they enjoy as well.


Enjoyed the main two comics quite a lot and I think you have a good understanding of tone and themes that work well with the story you wanna tell, so a little change up for the comics would be fun to see in the type of content they have for moments.