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Evening once again, captors and captorettes!  We continue the November Post train with this month's VR Wallpaper!  We ultimately decided that we'd maintain out tradition of utilizing the existing dames currently in our possession, but for the purposes of creativity, I'm gonna keep which damsles get used up to me.  Not to worry though, as you guys will of course still have full control over the wallpaper layout each month!

With that in mind, this week's special background consists of a couple I'd been wanting to get back to: Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson!  Those two just cannot seem to keep from getting into trouble! Spider-Man's gonna have his work cut out for him after this little detour! 

Tune in tomorrow, where we'll have the long-awaited 2nd page of the new web-series, BOUND! (The weekly gag bust will be post-poned till Thursday to make room for the comic page, so stick around!)  Stay devious!





Got to love those tape-gags they've got on, and some gorgeous shading for both their chests, especially MJ. So alluringly touchable...


This is just amazing, I only wish I could find such a surprise in my trunk.