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Well, we tried to work through whatever we came down with on Tuesday, and it ended up biting us hard.  Went to the doctors office on Wednesday and ruled out all the super obvious stuff (Flu, Covid, etc.), so the only thing left to do was track the symptoms and let it run its course.

Best as I can tell with what symptoms I've had, as well as what's been "going around" as the kids say, we came down with a case of RSV, which needs nearly a full week to ditch most of the worst symptoms. We started off with a migraine so bad, I literally couldn't fall asleep for anything other than sheer exhaustion, and we've been basically bedridden ever since.  Just feeding the dogs was wiping me out, and I can't even stare at a screen for longer than 10 minutes without my head throbbing.

Big apologies to the folks looking forward to seeing their commissions get done this week, we're gonna have to push everything back to the last week of October, where I'll be prioritizing client commissions over everything else.

As far as comics go, we'll shoot for posting today's comic page on Monday, and resume business as usual by the 28th. For those not following, that's 2 comic pages next week.

Thanks for bearing with me guys, we'll get back to it soon, I promise! If I feel up to it this weekend, maybe I'll see you guys even sooner, time will tell! Cheers, and stay devious! --SA



Take your time, get better! Health is more important, because once it is ruined, you cannot get it back!


No worries, rest.


take care of yourself Sneaky beard man o7


Take it easy, Sneak! Health comes first.

The Phoenix King

No worries, mate, you just focus on recovering. Hope you and your family get through this all right.


Take it easy and hope you feel better. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and get some rest!

Second of Many

No problem. Feel better soon


No problem. We can't control what sickness we get, or how hard it hits, on top of general life stuff. As always, life comes first. Hope you feel better soon


Cool, sounds good. Hope you feel better soon