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Hey folks!

In a few weeks time, we'll have reached the end of the first chapter of BOUND: Vol. 2!  I can hardly believe we've managed to start and finish an entire chapter in a single year!  As always, I can only hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed drawing and writing!  We'll resume with chapter 2 in good time, but first...

I've been wanting to take a break from BOUND for the time being.  I deeply enjoyed the time I had to bake the whole chapter's idea out in one go, instead of figuring it out alongside another comic's plot simultaneously, as we've done in years passed.  I want to continue this trajectory, but I know many of you enjoy our other comic franchises as well, and so I'd like to take a few weeks to dive into another IP for you, before we return to the ladies in blue!

That being said, I'd like to extend the choice to you, my esteemed subscribers!  From this point forward, every time I get to a point in my comic progress where I'd like to take a mental break, I plan to give you fine folks a few fanciful franchise options to vote on.  Whichever IP gets the most votes is the one I'll spend  the next 1-2 months tackling, however long it takes to find a nice closer (or cliffhanger) and return to the regularly scheduled flagship comic.

For this first vote, I think we'll keep the options to the three comics I've worked on in the past, so I don't have to pull my hair out coming up with a whole new world.  With that in mind, let's provide a pitch to remind everyone where these IP's currently stand...

Entangled: Chapter 3 - The Darkest Web

Ros, Vyra, Nilly, and Zee continue deeper into the caverns beneath Submissia, in search of answers....and a way out! Little do they know of the dangers dangling in the dark, and the tangled webs they weave...

Restricted 3: Witches in Hell

After being tricked by the nefarious Shibaros, Ginny and Luna have finally reunited with Hermione.  Unfortunately, they're all about to find out why you don't make deals with the devil...the hard way!

Little Shop of Harley: In the Weeds

Ivy has laid out her plans to bend all of Gotham under her green thumb.  Barbara, Kara, and Harley have to put a stop to her schemes, but first...they have to put a stop to her houseplant, Harley II!

We'll set the end date for the vote this Friday, September 2nd! Don't forget to vote, and stay devious!




ooo, these are good choices

The Phoenix King

Some very good choices here, but I'd have to go with Restricted 3; your take on the Hogwarts girls is great, and if you could add in Cho and the Patil twins to the mix, that would be even better.


tempted to see some Ivy in bondage, but I gotta go with the bound barbs and tied up tieflings >:3


Entangled 3 most definitely. I'd love to see more attention on the Dwarf and her beautiful pair of....personalities.


Entangled 3!!!! Spectacular work!


I don't suppose the Web-bondage will be arachnophobe-friendly? Something as easy as a drider would help a lot without compromising on your tastes, I think...


Wait, so If I'm reading this right, Entangled may never continue so long as it keeps getting outvoted? BOUND may have been the flagship but Entangled ran along side it for years. ^^I know that's a bit of an exaggeration given it's doing well in the polls :P This also kinda seems like the story is getting reduced from BOUND sized chapters, to 6 - 8 page shorts.


Fun fact, she's actually a gnome. But dwarves are definitely something I'm planning to work in down the line!


Frankly, I'm honored you assume I'm even capable of making an accurately spooky spider, but I'll keep it in mind! :P

The Phoenix King

Fair enough, and you're very welcome. Still, looking forward to whatever you do next.


Some of us would like to see something other than Entangled.


So I’ve discovered. Progress on the next Restricted has already begun!