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As promised, my fellow captors and captorettes, I have delivered unto thee a serving of monthly Interrogation Room proportions!  Granted, it might've been more savory if I'd remembered to serve it last month - when it was due -  but I get busy! And things get forgotten...so, sorry about that!

Anyway, here she is!  Gulping down on a heavy dose of Eiffel Tower-ing, cause I did promise that we would accommodate the runner-up options from last month!

Also, as promised, this time we'll be voting on the next Interrogation victim in this post!  So vote for your preferred victim right here!  And vote for your preferred method of interrogation right over here!

Stay devious!





Penny is one of my absolute favorite cartoon characters from growing up. I'm so glad she made it to the Interrogation Room.


Penny looks amazing here - got to love how she's been roped up and kept out of trouble. Looking fantastic all around, can't wait to see who is up next!


Pretty much the best IR so far! I love when you give the rope some more texture. Sometimes it looks a bit too much like spaghetti. :P As mentioned before... pierced nipples are amazing on Penny.


Yeah, definitely not going back from adding those little knot textures...they really make the difference.