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Greetings once again, Captors and Captorettes!  Welcome back to the end-of-the-month, fun filled jamboree that is the Bounty Board!  This month's voters decided that our damsel to be detained would be none other than the infamous Mad Moxxi!  Check her out in all her degrading glory right here!

We took a little longer than expected to ship this one out to you guys (as it is the first of the new month) due in part to the out-of-town business we mentioned last week, so we kindly thank you all for your patience!  Luckily, next month's damsel is already selected for you guys, so no need to vote!

Lastly, I also realize that several of you higher-ups have not yet received your sketch series' for August!  I had rushed to get the Bounty Board up for August first, so everyone had something to hold them over!  Chances are, I'll have most - if not all - of them done before the end of the week, and I'll likely post the sketch series for everyone to check out sometime on Monday.  This'll give you guys getting your sketches today and tomorrow some time to review over the weekend before we share with everyone!

Thanks again, everyone, and stay devious!





I have to say, the second look, it's great!You're a genius!

Secret Sketchbook

Damn dude love just much energy is in her capture pic, always nice to see them fight back. I cant remember though if you said you would ever release just the images at some point


Oh yeah, like I used to! I will have to compile something for you guys at some point. Perhaps later this month!

Secret Sketchbook

Use to? don't ever recall you doing so before


You have outdone yourself yet again. Love the action in the first shot and the expression in the second one in particular!