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We come round to another finished chapter in the Entangled Saga!  Now, obviously, this one took significantly longer than some of the other comics we've produced, and there's a few specific reasons for that.  

First, when I started Entangled, I wanted to keep it unique from the other adult fantasy titles you'd find online by keeping with the tabletop format, which meant keeping the "DM-esque" narrator, and allowing the girls to talk both in and out of character.  This also meant that I wanted to allow chapters that had a lot going on to be able to process that narrative without the constraints of a typical 24-page comic.  Tabletop games don't run on a rigid schedule, and I didn't want Entangled to do so either.

Second, this comic - unlike BOUND - was designed to put more emphasis on the smut nature of the kink world, and I wanted to be able to provide equal doses of bondage and sex in each comic, which meant more time would have to be taken to allow such scenes to "breathe" as it were.  I stand behind that decision, and I plan to continue it in the future, but I also think it might be asking too much to ensure every girl gets a "scene" in each comic, so it could be that some girls get focused more than others in the future, we'll have to see where the story takes us.

I think - in the near future - I'm going to be doing some note-taking on the page in so far as learning what people seem to enjoy the most from us here.  I definitely enjoy things as they are, but I also want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to ensure you guys are just as happy with things!  

And, as always, I have all of you to thank for these incredible journeys we undertake together.  I couldn't do it without your support, and I hope to continue providing excellent work for your viewing/reading pleasure.  I think I'll ben spending the next month or two continuing BOUND's current storyline while I figure out what awaits the as-yet-unnamed adventuring party in the caverns beneath Goblin Town, so be sure to stick around, cause these girls are only just gettin' started!

Don't forget to follow the Twitter, Discord, and Picarto to see what we're up to, as we're getting up to it!  Stay devious!





Congratz on finishing a second chapter. :D Though I gotta say i think this chapter proves we need more tied up tieflings... in my biased opinion. >_> <_< on a serious note though I do think it's a good thing that... at the very least not every girl gets captured at once. It's nice seeing their personalities come out when they get a chance to interact with eachother. Gives them more agency in the story instead of feeling like they float whichever way the wind blows them.. or ropes pull them :P


Congrats, it was a lot of fun to read! Always love Ros! Lol


The use of paizuri in the earlier chapters was nice. I'd like to see that make a comeback with more breast play in general. Also a narrative that focuses more on the Dwarf in distress this time would be great. She's my favorite so far.


I had to look that word up :P But rest assured, I am a fan and I would like to use it more again myself!


Thanks for the background. Great work, everything you do and your approach makes this one of the best comics - story, sex, situations all exceptional. Partial to the sex and bondage of course and very excited you will be continuing!


I think your approach to letting things flow more naturally and not trying to cram everything into a 24 page comic is the right choice. It feels better to see things move without worry over being too rushed or whatever. As well I also agree with the idea that perhaps some chapters will focus more or less on some of the girls, as that too feels more natural. If a specific chapter has more of everyone, cool sometimes that's DnD. But kinda like how this one had a good bit of stuff going on with Zee, it makes sense that it would focus on her more because this is currently her part of the story. I would expect the same of the other girls if a chapter was focusing more on their background or personal plots, because that too is realistic to DnD. Sometimes everyone is equally involved and sometimes personal plots demand a bit more of one character than the others. I think the other benefit you have to that approach is that it's not an actual live DnD game, which means you can lean into that more and not only helps the narrative of each character, but you're not actually sidelining real players for like 4 hours with not much for them to do. And finally, while yeah it may be a bummer to see your favorite of the characters get less love for a bit cause it's someone else's chapter of focus, that also just means when it is their turn it'll be all the better, on top of the fact that even the more single character background centered stuff is still awesome. Overall I really liked Chapter 2 and as someone who really digs the tiny tease you gave for the next set of perils, I'm stoked as fuck.