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As I'm sure you've all already been made aware, we've already secured the location of Sam Nishimura, one of the four beautiful damsels next on the chopping block for our monthly

Bounty Board!

  In case you were curious how we "acquired" that information, we are delighted to bring you the delectably devious

Interrogation Room

 session that went on behind-the-scenes with the lovely

Lara Croft!  

Be sure to check out her relishing response to the ever-evolving contraption we affectionately refer to as

"The Machine".

All theatrics aside, the Machine was something we'd devised as a joke and an extra on the list of actual interrogation methods we'd concocted.  Every so often, we'd see similar lists show up in various media that always started sensibly, but ended up with some crazy half-brained, mostly nonsensical ideas thrown in at the end to make sure viewers were still paying attention, and I always loved the though of just throwing in a fun "joke idea".  

Much to my disbelief, it seems you all had a positive reaction to such a mysterious contraption, which forced me to get a little creative in coming up with what exactly such a device might entail!  I came up with the resounding conclusion to make "The Machine", part of the experience here in the Interrogation Room sessions.  Basically, I'll cycle the Machine out of this upcoming session, and re-introduce it once more as an alternative option, at which point, depending on how much funding we have incoming on that month, will add to what exactly "the Machine" does to its victims (It'll never be quite the same thing twice!)

Hopefully, you all approve!  I should have your next list of Interrogation victims up before the week is out!  Cheers!





That gag looks quite good on her here, nice to see her safely stashed while Sam is acquired to keep her company!


I like how this simple start turned out, and I look forward to seeing how "The Machine" evolves.