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We got a lot of good responses over the last 24 hours!  I'm immensely happy with the turnout for comments and options!  I demanded, and you supplied!

So the votes, all tallied, are as follows:

Captive | Captor | Chapter | Adjusted Votes

Miri            Guards            3                      15

Noris           Ash                 4                      13

Kat          Donovan            4                      12

PF Girls   Guards              4                      11

Kat            Guards              4                       9

Blake          Henry              3                       7

We had a few ideas that, unfortunately, couldn't be counted either due to vagueness, or missing the criteria for the vote, but we still had at least a solid dozen or so options!  What I ended up doing was consolidating votes for just "X girl in anything" to whatever suggestions featured said character, so everyone who got up in the tops of ideas will look like they technically got more than they appeared to, just so you know, that's the reason.

So there ya go!  Well get the voting started today!  And whichever has the most votes by Monday morning will be the one we start working on!  I think, for now, we'll just go in order of most to least popular, so each winner gets a shot.  Don't worry if you didn't make the list this time, I'm sure we'll do something like this again soon!  Cheers!



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