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Good news, everyone!  We're not ready for more BOUND stories just yet, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end!  We're gearing up for a round of what we're gonna call "Missing Pages", where we do some pinups of scenes we wish we got more of during Volume 1!

Here's how it works (Old timer subs might be familiar with this.) Post a comment about what scene you'd want to see a full pinup of! If you can't think of one, like someone else's comment, and the comments who get the most likes will make an appearance on a voting poll we'll do tomorrow!  I'll throw in some ideas of my own, in case we lack a healthy dose of options.  

Scenes can be from anywhere in Volume 1 of BOUND (Chapters 1-4), so long as they play off a page or series of pages that exist within the current canon (No "What If's", for now).

Easy enough?  Let's get some comments going!  See you soon, fam, and stay devious!





hmmm I'd be partial to seeing Mizuki and Violet getting captured, bound, and gagged in Chp 3. seeing what violet can do in juggernaught mode. subduing the 2 of them was probably an intense ordeal.


Another idea that would probably be more popular is seeing Noris, in some kind if transitional scene or page from chp 4. We see her getting wrapped up in the hallway in her iconic look with foreshadowing from Ash about to gag her, then we jump her her naked on the trojan bondage horse. I guess seeing what happened in between the hallway and getting stripped down while in some state of bondage would be the idea. It's also just an excuse to see Noris get the full treatment while keeping her original look (hair, glasses, underwear, stockings.)


I wouldn't mind seeing kitkat even more secured in her kitkatsuit by the henchmen. Maybe with some tactically undone zipper.


I’d like to see Norris is going through her usual day at work, maybe like a scene with Kit “prepping” Norris for her usual “service” for the boss man.


Or the opposite where Norris is restraining and setting up Kit to take her place at end of Chapter 4.


What about a flashback? Like Kit when she was a BOUND agent or when she was first hired and meets with Captor Corp (in full restraints as she’s being transported to the black site)?


I think the "rule" was that it had to fit within the first 4 chapters.


I'd like to see how Ash "convinced" Clara Bailey to let Ash borrow a dress and impersonate her in Ch. 4. Did she ask Clara to stay home and relax or did she pull her aside to some private spot the club? Whatever the circumstance, I know Ash is very persuasive when she has duct tape.


We see how Miri (Miranda) got ambushed and captured in chapter 3


How did the other CR girls get kidnapped? ;)


the van transport was a good tease for more details with the three girls from start to finish,


just about anything with Norris, especially tied up.


Uhm, hello? How about Ashlee's and Miranda's fun weekend in between chapters 2 and 3? :P Although that might be a bit of a waste using it just for a pin-up now that I'm thinking about it. It deserves it's own short comic!


I would actually love to see KitKat in between chapters 3 and 4 playing with one of the spoils. Either Miranda or some more of the dynamic duo. I do really like the idea of something happening between KitKat and Norris as well though as Ray suggested above!


Not so much a scene, but in page 7 of chapter 1, I'd love to see more of the 'Wall of Damsels' in the background.


Hey Sneak, thanks for this great idea...Me, I'd like to see more of Ashlee and Miranda's night from Chapter 3 (pages 3-5)


You could expand upon what happened between the last panel of Chapter 2 and the first panel of Chapter 3


Or flesh out Emma on the sybian (Chapter 3, pg 9)


Henry's subduing of Rebecca (Chapter 3 pg 12)


Finally, you could give us more Donovan's treatment of Katherine from the very last panel of Chapter 4


I'd like to see more of Mira's actual capture from Chapter 3 (where she goes from mission support to captive), or some more of the time / gags she suffers wile in their care in Chapter 4.


I can't go with this one because - as you'll probably be able to see soon - this actually didn't happen :P