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Hey everyone, I've decided to make this post just for the Recruits and up, so we can get a few bits of important information out of the way.  As the title of the message implies, I have both good and bad news for you all (well, the bad news is only for some of you, so let's start with that...)

Because I wasn't able to get all the samples drawn up in time for the end of January, I was forced to push the "Ultra Update" to the beginning of this month,

after the Patreon funds had already been collected by the site (I was hoping this would be held off until the day they were transferred to me, but sadly this was not the case).  As a result, anyone who signed up or upgraded to a Sketch Series level on or after February 4th is not yet eligible for their respective sketches.  

Understand that this is not because Patreon didn't take your funds (they shouldn't have yet), but because they haven't given them to me - thus making the transaction incomplete.

I already made short mention of this in the

Bounty Board part 2 update, but I wanted to make sure people sending me their sketch ideas already knew what was up, and why I might have to turn them down for just this month.  In the meantime, I have decided to make up for the situation by doing the first official Interrogation Room this month, when it should also have been held off. Hopefully, this will hold everyone over till March!

Okay, time for some good news!  I also made mention in the update that everyone at the Recruit level and higher would start getting batches of sketches for free!  Well, that starts today.  I have compiled ten of the most recent sketches I have done in the last month or two.  Some of you who commissioned them will note that you may see 2-3 of your sketches in there.  This was not intentional; I literally just pulled these from a folder I keep them in.  Click here to download!

Additionally, if you are in my sketch series program, and you have been since before February 4th, please send me a direct Patreon PM, or email me at sneakattack1221@gmail.com, and let's get this month's sketches underway!

Thanks again to everyone for your awesome continued support, I can't wait to work with you all in the coming months!





Did I made a mistake, I clicked the link, but I only see a 'You need permission' page. Is it only for people above Recruit Level? I just wanna know :-) EDIT: Thy, Sneak <3 now it works :-)


I just got the 'You need permission' message page as well for the Google Drive link. (I can be patient while this gets sorted out, just wanted to pass along the feedback :-) Rather have you illustrating than providing tech support anyway!) EDIT: Images download working now. Thank you!


Thanks for the update and collection of images!


Is this still available? The link doesn't work for me.


Nevermind, google was just having some issues with me at the time.


are any of these old items still available? I've just found out about Sneak's Existence, and am checking the back catalogue - this appears to be in the trash! :(


Looks like some of the older stuff is NLA / gone. Still plenty to be looked at though :-)