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Dialogue heavy, but sometimes ya gotta scale that wall of text to get to the goodies on the other side! 

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The dialogue is a bit confusing here. While I understand the angle the discussion is taking, this seems like a very weird move considering what BOUND does. This makes it seem like the organization was prepared to just give up when encountering any setback whatsoever which should be expected part of the job. Ash gets promoted for failing. I do like that it kind of fleshes out BOUND as a company more. Like there are members who only view it as a job and only care about keeping the lights on. Paints them for as mercs than vigilantes. Also maybe sheds some light on why Blake was targeted. I do like how this ties back around to what Kit said though. It'll be interesting to see a convo between her and Ash again, since Kit is having her own troubles at work.


I personally quite liked the dialogue here. I think it sets up what it needs to set up for the story. I think where its going is Ash, against all the odds trying to save her friends. That would be less exciting and tense if she had the full backing of a super secret agency behind her. Essentially in one page we've managed to hand wave away any later questions the reader would have about 'well why don't 20 agents just burst in and save the day etc', and now we can just focus on the fun stuff ahead


lol I agree with everything you said. Ash has mentioned once or twice before that she was gonna try to do her own thing, so it doesn't surprise me that the story led here. I think what threw me off was earlier conversations with Kit saying "BOUND would be a thing of the past" having a sort of finality to it. Back then we only knew 2 agents and 4 other named members of BOUND. They seemed relatively small without actually knowing how big the organization is. I definitely agree it's setting up what it needs to, but if BOUND is a large organization with an arguably long track record, one setback just seemed odd to provoke this response IMO. I just wasn't expecting ash to get the promotion for failing, I thought getting punished/ fired was gonna be the most likely reason Ash has to go in alone. Also, thought BOUND was small and losing 4 important members would have crippled them temporarily.


I guess to clarify a bit better my surprise has less to do with BOUNDS response than it does with Kit or CC's plan. This seems like a band aid solution to their problem and I dont see why BOUND is treating their people as acceptable losses/ casualties. That's a harsh thing to say in front of your own people and would just produce more Kits. granted it's difficult to take it seriously when you know the people they're talking about are alive and the comic has a some what silly tone. In hindsight though Ash not getting fired makes sense, since she'll need access to some help, but getting promoted still seems odd. Ash is probably gonna do something shes not supposed to so agent status didnt seem like a big deal :P


I like how this addresses the "fallout" so quickly, and also details just out callous BOUND leadership is of their agents. I could see this going in a lot of interesting directions, and it'll sure be interesting to find out what's been happening to Mira since last night!


god I totally misread the line where they accuse Ash of a deal >_< that totally changes the tone of the convo from what I thought it was. lol On another note I feel like the female members of the board should get wrapped and zipped up in the spirit of solidarity for their fallen comrades o7 Also really excited to see Ash concoct a plan to save the day.....and maybe fumble a little along the way 8D