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In the wise words of the sage, Meatloaf: "Three out of four ain't bad"!

Don't @ me.

Don't forget to follow the Twitter, Discord, and Picarto to see what we're up to, as we're getting up to it!  See you next time! Stay devious!       





I apologize for this: https://pics.me.me/dam-son-da-phuc-ho-lee-fuk-other-guy-21231702.png But I couldn't resist...


Dang it kit Kat, you should be mad, the sexy red head is escaping >_< On another note, I love Ash's still worried expression. Even though she escaped, she's still got that gag as a kind of mark of shame from losing her fight and more to kit kat. A nice change from her usually cocky facade she put up in front of Kit. Congratz on finishing another chapter Sneak. Can't wait for chapter 4!


Absolutely outstanding work on this series. I hugely appreciate the importance you place on the narrative and continuity , not just providing scenes of endless smut. Great characters, a thickening plot, and some sexy art to wash it all down. Seriously, as a fellow artist your work is inspirational.

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Hahahahaha, I love kit even more now. She’s not mad, just impressed and still works to get the job done. Great work


I guess I can't get much more hyped for Chapter 4 than this. ^-^ Despite my obvious preference for seeing Kit Kat have her way with people, the finale came out great! :3 I especially love the last panel, looks like it's the first time we get to see Ashlee genuinely concerned, almost freaked out!


just pledged and got through the backlog, and have to say that I love this comic! The characters, the humour, and just plain hotness! - Please please please keep this as a long running thing - I'd love to see a nice thick physical edition on my bookshelf one day!