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 Alright, so I promised I'd get this – I guess we'll call it “Part 2(?)” - post out before we started the month, and then the month came and went without so much as a peep from me.  BUT we're here now, and we've a-got some 'splainin to do! (Do people even remember I Love Lucy anymore? Ehh...)

 We've got big changes in store for the Commissions Catalogue and Sketch Series, so let's dive right into it with change 1: 

 You are no longer restricted for content based on your tier level.

 This is an important one.  Basically, how it worked in that past is that you'd be only allowed one character in a Bronze (25) tier, Two characters or one character + a background for a Silver (50) tier, and on up the chain.  This was important for time constraints, and though I intended on it being the sole limiter for how complex a give project could be, there were some definite problems with this plan: Inconsistent demand for additional details and extra complications led to some projects looking like they'd belonged in 2-3 tiers higher than the one they were assigned, and vice versa.  With the new system in place, I feel it's important to clarify to everyone that you can now request as many characters as you want in one piece (bear in mind the limit to space, of course.) I find removing such inhibitors will allow folks of all tiers to get into the projects they actually want to see made.  How are we accomplishing this?  Let's move into change 2: 

 Your project slot will be converted into a “time slot”.

 Last year – when I began to realize the aforementioned inconsistencies in project scope, I began to further implement a system to better assess the measure of individual projects and their designated tiers by incorporating a time limit on sketches.  If you were in the Bronze (25) tier, I would have thirty minutes to complete your sketch, and every tier above would accrue an additional thirty minutes to their total sketch time, up to two hours at the Platinum (100) level.  This system was largely successful in allowing me to allocate an appropriate amount of time to each sketch, and so – moving forward – each time slot will maintain the same rules.  This is laid out as follows:  

Bronze Tier patrons get  30 minutes (.5 hours).
Silver Tier patrons get 60 minutes (1 hour).
Gold Tier patrons get 90 minutes (1.5 hours).
Platinum Tier patrons get 120 minutes (2 hours).  

I'll set a timer for your allotted slot, and work my hands to the bone to get as much of your project done as I can in the time allowed.  When the buzzer rings, I'll save off and send you what progress was made, and we'll rinse and repeat until it's done! Obviously this begs a few questions, so let's knock out the ones I've heard from recent inquirers:

  What happens if my project is finished before the timer is up?  
You'll be sent the finished sketch/commission, along with a “time remaining” figure I've marked down.  That time remaining can then be used within the remainder of the month to work on a new project, or edits to your completed one.

  What happens if my project isn't finished before the timer is up?  
If your project is not yet completed, and we need to move to another month to get it finished, you'll still receive a WiP (Work in Progress) of the project, along with a brief explanation by me of what was done, what complications (if any) arose, and my best estimate for the expected completion time of your project. If you wish, all my work is uploaded and saved to my Picarto channel for (I think) ~10 days? You will be able to see your time slot in vod form if you cannot make the live stream.

  So, if you finish a sketch early, what happens as far as lines and colors go?
The new plan is – when your sketch phase is complete – if there's still time remaining, I will automatically move into the line phase. Think of it like how I handle my comics on stream: I work on the sketch until I'm satisfied that I can line the rest, and I just start lining!  The same will go for flatting and coloring! Like I said, you will receive a WiP every month detailing how far we've gotten. In fact, I'm going to need to know from each of you how far each project is being taken, so I know when to stop and when to just keep plugging into the next phase!

  Can I send you multiple projects in case you finish one early?
Absolutely! Just make sure the projects are clearly separated, so I don't accidentally muddle two projects together in some horrid Frankenstein's Kinky Monster.

  So, how do I send you projects now?  
Basically, not too much changes from before.  I still need character references and complete understanding of the poses/layouts you want to see.  All I need to know extra is whether or not you want your piece to be considered “complete” at the sketch, line, or color phase. If you do not send me that clarification, I will simply send back the completed phase with your “time remaining” and wait for your reply. 

 At risk of this post getting too long and boring, let's cut it there, and any further additions to the updates can wait until sometime in May, as I don't believe there's going to be any other major overhauls affecting those currently subbed.  Hopefully everything is clear and understandable, though I totally understand if some folks do not send projects following the guidelines of the new format, considering this is yet another update post coming literal hours before a new month rolls through, but hopefully the changes from last month's ordering system have allowed folks some much-needed breathing room in planning out their ideas in an orderly fashion.  Thanks again for the read, and I can't wait to see what we come up with together!  Stay devious! 





Could we get some more marvel girls? That is my one and only request


Sounds great on our end, thanks for the details and full explanation Sneak!


Where do I submit...also I loved your entangled comic...reminded me of my years playing dnd with my dad aunt and their friends...I miss those days and enjoyed your comic...maybe I might do a one off if I ever get a girl that likes dnd lol


Like I said before, liking the changes so far. Plus I don't have to worry about how many and what kind of objects equals a character :P nevermind splitting up an ideas into 2 pieces because 1 extra thing may have pushed the piece into another tier. Really happy with this 8D


Interesting ideas, looking forward to seeing what awesome art gets done in the coming months with this new approach :)


Looks interesting, indeed. This gives everyone many options for their art and people aren’t bound to their tier anymore. Plus people who like more simpler things, like simple clothes, getting their projects quicker. In the end it’s less overthinking if the art fits in the tier and less rush and stress for you because everything is timed. On the other side, I don’t know how many time you need for color an art. I know that you are really quick in sketches and lines but I don’t know how many time you need for the colors. I know that it’s depends on the complexity of the art but could it be that people who order in a constant quality (fitting their tier) wait now 4 month for their project instead of 3? In numbers for a bronze (25) tier: 30 min sketch, 30 min lines, 1 h color. It’s only a thought. In the end I haven‘t an overlook about the time and I can imagine that you observed the needed time over the month. Other thing is that people can start stop the time for their art and starting discussions with you like „There’s an 5 Minute Break seen in stream but the timer isn’t stopped.“. These things can be really energy taking. Sooo thanks for reading my brain farts. :P I hope that wasn’t to hard to read. In the end I‘m looking forward to this and curious how it works for everyone.


Seems like a logical evolution, and it's nice to be able to think of larger projects in this structure! Here's hoping it will be a smooth transition and a success!