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No, miss Simmons, I expect you to tie! Or...to BE tied...and, other stuff!

Whew, good thing I'm not a writer...

Don't forget to follow the Twitter, Discord, and Picarto to see what we're up to, as we're getting up to it!  See you next time! Stay devious!       

EDIT: Some have claimed the bottom panel was hard to read.  I made a small adjustment, so hopefully that's a bit easier :P





Kit hasn't finished yet? She might just topple closet-dom Miranda as my favorite villain . At least she seems to be having just as much fun 8D


Ooohhhhhh Myyyyyyy Goooood. :o The fun begins. \o/ Looks so great! I'm looking forward to the next page. <3


Awesome page, love the chatter here.


This is a fantastic page! We get to see ash in over her head and Kit is taking extra precautions. Again, the chin hold is great and Ash shaking and slurring her words thanks to the zap, combined with the strain on the position. Things look dire and I'm not sure what will happen next and I love it! Edit: Also, the last comment on this being kinda hot. Very, funny.


I think that "hot" comment came from Kit. Kit thinks she's asking about being naked then Ash tries to ask about the chair.


Go Kit Kat! \o/


Kind of hoping the same for Henry, (traitor with glasses) I like their dynamic, however brief it was shown.