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Newest page of BOUND, hot off the presses!  hot off the...jpegs, whatever!  Seems like Ash can't go five minutes without her own agenda!  Will it bite her in the butt?  Ya ain't been waiting this long for nothin' ;)

Don't forget to follow the Twitter, Discord, and Picarto to see what we're up to, as we're getting up to it!  See you next time! Stay devious!    




What 👏 could 👏 possibly 👏 go 👏 wrong


Agreed with Dawho. Running around blind in the enemy base and splitting up while one of your team mates is likely captured and used as leverage. What can go wrong? The fact that the villains have been spying on these girls from the beginning, and that Ash and Mizuki are going the extra mile to get captured is gonna make it all the sweeter when it happens. Their attitudes alone just makes you want to gag them >8D I do feel sorry for Violet, though. Her and Miranda deserve none of this while Ash and Mizuki deserve all of it. lol


Here we go, looking forward to what happened next!


Okay, I'm hyped. :l Give us bondage in the next two pages, Sneak! Pleeeease! D: