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Poll results are in, and your voices have been heard!  This month's winner was the Star Wars pinup featuring Padme and Mara Jade! Enjoy your freebie!

As some of you already know, we came down with some pretty nasty health issues after the vacation, so we ended up taking an unexpected second week to recover, basically.  We're sort of back in a working order, but we still have to take the process slow and steady.  Sadly, this means we won't be having a new BOUND page up this week, but we will be back up and running full speed by Monday morning.  In the meantime, we've decided to take today and the rest of the weekend to continue to rest and recover, only doing work at a slow pace.  This means the sketches and commissions might bleed into next month a bit, but I will do my best to keep it all uniform and together.  Sorry for the massive inconvenience, everyone.  We will be back soon to give you all the kinky smut you deserve!  Till next time, stay devious!





Just stay happy and healthy! Your well being is vastly more important to us than a couple of sketches being more timely than others. You do phenomenal work.


No worries, Sneak. enjoy your weekend :) Be careful not to choke on your aspirations :P


Take your time to getting healthy Sneak. Please get well.


shouldn't you be worried who kidnapped your not dead wife and daughter in law >83


Here's hoping you can get enough time to recover and rest here over the weekend!